Cialis Question – is 10 mg too much for daily?
I was lucky enough to get a 30 pill prescription of 20mg Cialis.
Is half of this too much for a daily dosage? I’ve tried it for a couple days and so far I don’t have headaches or any negative side effects but I wanted to throw the question out there since there are some doc’s on this board.
Try halfing the dose to 5mg’s daily and see if you can produce the same effects as the larger dosage. I try to find the smallest dosage possible while still maintaining the same effects of a larger dosage. You also prolong your perscribed pills.
Even if you don’t get side effects, a daily dose of 10mg is just a waste. One 10mg dose should give you lasting erection effects for 3 days.
The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.
3 days?? Not even close for me. I do 5mg a day and still pop 50mg of viagra for sex. The 5mg IMO helps me get wood to PE when after all this time I have almost no sexual arousal to PE .
I just have not ever gotten good wood from Cialis 10mg, 20mg, nothing good. Pop some Viagra though and its hard on city.
I usually take 20 mg but I don’t take that daily. The pill isn’t symmetrical so cutting it down to thirds or quarters is gonna be tough. Half a pill is pretty realistic though which is why I asked about this dosage. I agree with baywatch though – 10mg isn’t a waste and it may last for a few days the strength of the erection is lessened. I like to pump and jelq and stretch though so a full erection isn’t required for any of those but it sure is nice 🙂
I’m sure you already know but careful with taking a cialis and viagra at once both are vasodilator’s and can cause hypotension (low-blood pressure). Make sure your doctor knows you’re on both if you are put on any meds especially heart meds. Just saying.
Boogie Man 69 and baywatch, just curious, are you guys in good shape and exercising regularly?
Cialis works best for me and I can get by with lower doses when I keep upbwith regular cardio workouts.
Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping.
Initially I was prescribed Cialis daily as they work in sequence, now scaled down to 10mg when needed to be taken tow or three hours before sex.
Doc told me I can take another dose of 10 mg if I consider needed but not more than that.
Blue eye, blonde latino.
Are you taking it for ED , or just taking it for better wood?
If you’re just taking it for better wood, I wouldn’t take anything daily. You’re running a much higher risk of getting dependent on the stuff.
9/12: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 6" EG.
Goal: Coveted 8 x 6.
If you’re just taking it for better wood, I wouldn’t take anything daily. You’re running a much higher risk of getting dependent on the stuff.
I wonder to whom is this question directed to?
If it is me is for better wood not good coming out of an undiagnosed condition that I suffered for three years and low testosterone I had.
Now my local GP made a test with injection and found that I only need Cialis to keep up with young girls i call them juice extractors if you get my meaning hard to keep up with 21 to 28 y/o.
for a bloke that is 55 🙂
Blue eye, blonde latino.
Just saying be careful is all.
9/12: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 6" EG.
Goal: Coveted 8 x 6.
I have ED and at one time needed 100 mg of Viagra. PE has enabled me to reduce the dosage to 50 mg. My uro recently prescribed 10 mg of daily Cialis which did very little, if anything, on its own for my ED . However, I can now achieve a useable erection with just supplements and a nice erection with 50 mg of Viagra.
"And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head —
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
"I feared it would injure the brain;
But now that I’m perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again."
And have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door —
Pray, what is the reason of that?"
"I kept all my limbs very supple.
By the use of this ointment — one shilling the box —
Allow me to sell you a couple."
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak —
Pray, how did you manage to do it?"
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life."
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose —
What made you so awfully clever?"
Said his father; "don’t give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I’ll kick you down stairs!"
You are Old, Father William – Alice in Wonderland.
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Taking 20 Mg Cialis Daily