Is Cialis Over the Counter?

Approved by the FDA in 2003, Cialis® (tadalafil) is one of the most popular medications available for treating erectile dysfunction, or ED.

Cialis is a prescription medication that you’ll need to talk to your healthcare provider about. It is not available over the counter in the United States.

If you have erectile dysfunction, getting a prescription for Cialis, Viagra® and other ED medication is a relatively easy process.

Below, we’ve explained how you can get a prescription for Cialis and other medications used to treat erectile dysfunction. We’ve also looked at some common over-the-counter Cialis substitute pills and why they’re generally not worth using.

How to Get a Cialis Prescription

If you have erectile dysfunction, Cialis is one of several drugs that can help improve your sexual performance and help you maintain stronger, more reliable erections.

Cialis is a long-lasting erectile dysfunction drug. While drugs like Viagra and Levitra® usually last for four to six after you take them, Cialis can provide relief from erectile dysfunction for as long as two days.

Our Cialis vs. Viagra guide goes into more detail on the advantages of Cialis compared to other ED medications.

Like Viagra, there are multiple ways to get a Cialis prescription if you have erectile dysfunction or other sexual performance issues.

Visit Your Healthcare Provider

If you have erectile dysfunction, your healthcare provider will be able to prescribe you Cialis as one of several treatment options.

Be frank and honest with your healthcare provider and explain your symptoms. If they think you’re a good candidate for Cialis, they’ll usually be happy to write you a prescription.

Since talking about your sex life isn’t always the most comfortable experience, this method has its downsides, especially if you’ve been going to the same healthcare provider for years and have a friendly, easygoing relationship.

Luckily, if you’d prefer not to talk about ED with your healthcare provider, there are other ways to get a Cialis prescription.

Have an Online Medical Consultation

If you don’t want to talk about your sex life with your healthcare provider, or you just prefer the convenience of doing things from home, you can also get a Cialis prescription online.

We offer tadalafil (the active ingredient in Cialis) as a convenient monthly subscription, letting you access the ED medication you need for a fulfilling sex life without having to make any trips to your local pharmacy.

Since tadalafil is only available on prescription, you’ll need to complete an online consultation with an independent physician before your order is shipped. If you’re a good candidate, you’ll receive a valid prescription for Cialis online.

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“Am I Too Young for a Cialis Prescription?”

For the most part, erectile dysfunction is a condition that’s mostly associated with middle-aged and older men.

The reality of erectile dysfunction is that any man, of any age, can experience problems getting and maintaining an erection. According to data from the Cleveland Clinic, 40 percent of men will face some issues with erectile dysfunction by the age of forty.

Erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues are also common in younger men—an issue that’s often described as porn-induced ED.

If you’re in your 20s or 30s and have erectile dysfunction, performance anxiety or other issues, you’re not too young to use Cialis. Cialis is completely safe for younger men, meaning there’s no reason not to consider it as a treatment if you have ED. We also have a blog post answering the question "How Many Years Can You Take Cialis?" if you are thinking to take Cialis for a longer term.

Over-the-Counter Cialis Substitutes and Sellers

Like Viagra, Cialis has a well-deserved reputation as a safe and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Because of this, there are countless over-the-counter “Cialis substitute” available online, in convenience stores, sex stores and gas stations.

These products usually fit into one of two categories. The first are herbal over-the-counter Cialis substitutes that use ingredients like L-arginine and ginseng. While there’s limited evidence that these ingredients might improve sexual performance, none are approved by the FDA.

And let us be clear: You cannot get Cialis over the counter.

On the whole, these products usually aren’t effective as treatments for erectile dysfunction, and not one of them is a Cialis substitute. The majority of studies into herbal, natural Cialis substitutes show that they perform about as well as non-therapeutic placebos.

The second category of products claim to be safe, “100 percent natural” over-the-counter Cialis substitutes. These products often contain hidden, undeclared pharmaceutical ingredients, such as tadalafil (the active ingredient in Cialis) and sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra, generic Viagra).

Information on these products is available from the FDA, which maintains a list of tainted sexual enhancement products. The active ingredients in these pills are often dosed in excess, making them dangerous if you have a heart condition or use nitrates to treat hypertension.

Some of these tainted over-the-counter Cialis knock-off supplements contain multiple ingredients, meaning you might take more than one ED drug without realizing it.

As you’ve probably guessed, these over-the-counter Cialis substitutes are best avoided. While there might be some sexual benefits to supplements like ginseng and L-arginine, the massive number of spiked, dangerous products in this category make it a minefield for customers.

Instead, if you need to treat ED and improve your sexual performance, stick to FDA-approved medications such as Cialis (tadalafil), Viagra (sildenafil) and Levitra (vardenafil).

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Learn More About Treating Erectile Dysfunction

Tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis, is one of several FDA-approved treatments available for erectile dysfunction.

Interested in treating ED but don’t know where to get started? Our guide to what to expect from erectile dysfunction medication covers the essentials of using Cialis, Viagra and other ED drugs, while our Cialis vs. Viagra guide compares Cialis to its shorter-acting counterpart, sildenafil.

Want more ED tips from the people who know best? Check out the hims blog.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.