Natural supplements and alternatives to Viagra to promote erections: a complete guide to vitamins and substances.
Erectile dysfunction – also known in common parlance as “male impotence” – consists of the impossibility or difficulty for a man to have an erection of the penis that allows him to penetrate and have a satisfactory intercourse for himself and his partner. The causes of impotence can be summarized in three broad categories: related to an altered erection physiology:
due to conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, obesity…; resulting from an incorrect way of life: smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs; Responses to a deep psychological malaise: anxiety, stress, worries.
The consequence of erectile dysfunction is the establishment of a deep sense of inadequacy and the deprivation of the satisfaction of one of the primary needs of the human being, the sexual one.
An inadequacy that is also felt by men who do not have any real pathology that leads to erectile dysfunction, but that due to a media bombardment, which focuses solely on sexual performance itself from an aesthetic-sporting point of view and ignoring much more important aspects such as empathy and emotional exchange between two people that sex brings with it, They experience the so-called – and castrating – performance anxiety.
Being an intimate problem, which not only touches the sexual sphere but also the very nature of being a man, so much so that it makes it embarrassing to have a confrontation with the family doctor or with a urologist or andrologist specialist, often this problem is underestimated at first, and then it is addressed, badly, through a do-it-yourself diagnosis and the purchase of online drugs of dubious origin, if not outright illegal.
Erectile dysfunction: tips to combat the disorder.
Our in-depth study aims to present some substances of proven efficacy in the treatment of the symptoms of mild/medium-mild erectile dysfunction; But before leaving, we would like to give you some very important advice:
If you think your erectile dysfunction may be originating from an organic problem, talk to a doctor right away. Always, however, without embarrassment, without fear. If you want, you can request a video-consultation from the comfort of your home with the specialists in urology and andrology who offer this service on; It is useful to “break the ice” and overcome the embarrassment you understandably feel, but keep in mind that the video-consultation does not replace a medical examination and this will most likely be necessary, if the specialist deems it appropriate to recommend it to you. If your dysfunction is psychological, you can talk to a urologist or andrologist, or consult a psychotherapist. Again, you can request an initial interview on Remember that using a drug such as Viagra or Cialis independently and without medical supervision can promote individual sexual intercourse (and perhaps allow you a small, temporary improvement in self-esteem), but it does not solve any problems or psychological blocks. It is also strongly discouraged for your health. These drugs can only be used with a prescription and supervision by a specialist and only in case of real need. Create the conditions to improve health of your genital tract. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, junk food, excess animal fats, too few hours of sleep: all these factors have a heavy impact, much more than you think, on your sexual performance. Whatever supplements you may take – even medications like Viagra – are useless if you don’t “cleanse” your lifestyle first.
Having made these necessary premises, here is an analysis of the existing scenario.
3 natural remedies for impotence.
The benefits that can be obtained from choosing natural supplements to combat impotence can be many and must be evaluated according to the case. Let’s find out some of them.
1) Less psychological impact.
Although this is not mentioned in the leaflet of Viagra (” blue pill “), Cialis or Levitra, the possible side effects [1] of these drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are only one of the problems that their indiscriminate use and without medical supervision bring with it.
The dangerous psychological impact that they can have on humans is also very important: in the case of indiscriminate use and without medical supervision, the possibility of developing, in the medium term, a psychological dependence is very high, such that at a certain point it becomes almost impossible to have sexual intercourse without first ingesting a pill. No less relevant, moreover, is the phenomenon that over time even sex becomes less pleasurable.
This is because the focus is almost completely shifted to the strictly ‘physical’ aspect of the relationship to the detriment of that wide spectrum of sensations, emotions and empathy that arise from sexual intercourse. Put simply, you almost completely miss out on the real benefits of satisfying sexual activity. It is not uncommon, among users of erectile dysfunction drugs who do not actually need them and taken without medical supervision, phenomena of almost total loss of libido.
2) You don’t take medication.
The main drugs for erectile dysfunction have been around for many years now, and the side effects are known, but let’s not forget that they are drugs whose prolonged intake is not recommended except in case of real need and under strict medical supervision. It is important that the choice to resort to this type of treatment is made only in case of real need and at the right time, not before and not if it is possible to choose alternative paths.
If in everyday life, for example for a headache or a slight flu, there is a tendency, rightly, not to resort immediately to painkillers or antibiotics, such should also be the attitude with which we look at drugs that promote erection. In a large part of cases, as we have seen, lifestyle improvement and/or a path of psychological support can completely solve the problem.
3) Greater simplicity of social management.
Regularly taking supplements that, as we will see, have a positive impact not only on the sexual sphere itself but on health in general, is very different from jealously guarding erection pills or synchronizing to the tenth of a second to ingest them at the right time. Have a jar of Citrulline at home, even in plain sight, in the kitchen, nonchalantly, it’s very different from having a box of Viagra kept under lock and key in the bathroom.
If you tell a woman that you use arginine, she will immediately think that you are an athlete, not that you have intimate problems. Buying the supplements that we will list in this report is 100% legal under Italian law. Buying erectile dysfunction control drugs through unofficial channels is a criminal offense.
Beware of the miraculous effects promised by a certain type of deceptive communication.
Misleading advertisements promise us, all too often, beneficial and extraordinary effects with the simple intake of natural substances. But what’s true and what’s not? Let’s find out in this paragraph.
Men looking for the perfect sexual performance, together with those who, due to stress and more or less relevant pathologies, really suffer from erectile dysfunction, risk being easily attracted by misleading advertisements. In years past, and still today, there have been many products that promised better erections, increased penis size, and porn actor performance.
Be careful, therefore, to welcome with great criticism and to investigate well the properties of herbs and principles of various kinds that are proposed, because in most cases these are substances for which there is no scientific evidence of real effectiveness on erection, such as Tribulus Terrestris, and which in some cases may be at the limits of legality, such as Yohimbine. In other cases, pills containing cocktails of active ingredients – low-titration vitamins and minerals – with extracts of exotic shrubs and other “current” ingredients are offered.
It should therefore be clarified that, based on current scientific research [2], there is currently no supplement on the market capable of solving, with a direct and proven cause-effect relationship, erectile dysfunction, in particular medium/severe erectile dysfunction. Nor are there any supplements that can affect the size of the penis.
The following types of supplements, therefore, have no proven efficacy for the resolution of erectile dysfunction.
Supplements to increase testosterone.
Testosterone is, as the name suggests, a hormone produced by the testicles (it is also produced, to a lesser extent, by women) and which comes into play in the development of sexual organs and typically male characteristics such as voice and hair.
Hormones are not to be trifled with, and fortunately the supplements freely sold in Italy have almost no effect in the production of testosterone. It would be dangerous and useless to try to get a hormonal imbalance to improve one’s erection; Moreover, the role of testosterone is not essential in erection and can do nothing towards psychological or physiological blockages.
Supplements to increase libido.
A satisfactory erection does not necessarily correspond to a lack of libido, i.e. the degree of sexual desire. In fact, in many cases it can be even more frustrating to increase desire if there is underlying unresolved erectile dysfunction, because it could further increase discomfort and frustration.
Remember, too, that sexual desire is linked to Very complex mental mechanisms and it is very difficult for a supplement to really affect them.
Supplements that promise to increase penis size.
If you are not satisfied with the size of your penis, the only scientifically accepted and effective way is surgery. The effect of temporary increase in volume that is experienced by taking, for example, Viagra, is due to an increased blood flow into the corpora cavernosa that causes the organ to swell.
But it is, in fact, an increase in volume only, completely temporary, and without any change in length per se. No supplement can affect the size of the penis, let alone the length.
Active ingredients that are illegal under Italian law.
Also in this case, studies have shown the ineffectiveness and, at times, the unreliability of some substances defined as illegal for this reason. Let’s see what they are.
According to an Italian regulatory peculiarity, some plants that are legal from a botanical point of view may not be legal as far as the active ingredient is concerned. A paradox, which strikes directly at the heart of consumers of sports supplements and leads them into a territory of involuntary and blameless illegality. It is therefore good to always pay attention not only to the ingredients contained in a supplement, but also and above all to the active ingredients and above all to rely on professional and safe sites for your purchases.
A few examples? Evodia Rutaecarpa [3], the freely cultivable and importable plant often used in cosmetology, of which the active ingredient, evodiamine, is currently illegal. Tongkat Ali (in jargon: Long Jack), a plant of Malaysian origin whose active ingredient is illegal. Yohimbe [4], whose active ingredient, Yohimbine, is still illegal and reserved for pharmacology. For this reason, be wary of buying products on online stores that promise excessive discounts and miraculous results: always choose with great care who to rely on for your health purchases.
So, what are the supplements and natural (and legal!) substances that can be used as an alternative to Viagra to deal with mild/medium erection problems?
Viagra yes, Viagra no. There may be alternatives that should always be evaluated with a careful eye. Here’s what they are.
After this long introduction, it is time to present the supplements that, alone or in synergy with each other, can effectively help men to promote erection and keep it sufficient to face and fully enjoy sexual intercourse.
It is a non-essential amino acid (produced by the body) precursor of Arginine. The latter presides over the synthesis of Nitric Oxide, which increases vasodilation and blood flow to tissues and extremities, including the penis [5].
Arginine taken orally, however, is largely digested by the stomach, so studies show that by taking the precursor, Citrulline, the levels of arginine in the blood increase considerably in a dose-dependent manner.
It is no coincidence that citrulline is called the “poor man’s Viagra”, as it is cheap (it is extracted from the skin of the watermelon – Citrullus, in Latin) and easy to find, and legal.
Citrulline is commonly used pre-workout by bodybuilders to improve their sports performance and has only recently achieved popularity as a supplement for mild/medium-mild erectile dysfunction.
As far as dosage and use are concerned, it is generally taken three times a day, in 2 g rations (total 6 g / day); There are no known adverse reactions in case of overdose.
On the market there is also Citrulline Malate, which is nothing more than Citrulline combined with Malic Acid, which according to research – for the moment not rigorously proven from a scientific point of view – should increase the assimilability of Citrulline.
To be used in synergy with:
Omega 3 essential fatty acids do not have a direct influence on erection, but promote it indirectly, lower the levels of so-called bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) which, among other things, is a precursor of testosterone. Omega 3 helps blood flow by performing important antithrombic and anti-inflammatory action (i.e. they clean the arteries) and reducing triglycerides in the blood. This is very important for optimal erection function [6].
Omega 3, in the form of a supplement, provides great benefits and is also recommended to improve the health of the heart and cardiovascular system.
In the two forms Propionyl-L-carnitine and Acetyl-L-carnitine [7], they are involved in the metabolic processes of energy production by the body. In particular, the form Propionyl-L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid commonly used to improve blood flow to tissues in patients suffering from PVD (peripheral vascular disease) [8]. It is also successfully used in patients who experience erection problems related to circulatory problems, alone or in combination with Viagra.
KOREAN GINSENG (Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer) In the last year, several studies have been published according to the narrow criteria of the scientific method (double-blind test)
that attest to the effectiveness of pure Korean Ginseng extract in the treatment of non-severe erectile dysfunction.
Traditionally known as a tonic and with recognized adaptogonal properties, Ginseng is also a vasodilator through the increase in the production of nitric oxide (nitric oxide).
According to the authoritative, Panax Ginseng is second only to Yohimbine in terms of efficacy in the treatment of impotence in men and premature ejaculation; however, keep in mind that the latter is currently illegal in Italy and has much more dangerous side effects than Viagra itself.
The suggested dosage is 3g/day for 45/60 days and although – except for personal intolerances – there are no known serious problems from overdose, higher doses do not involve any type of benefit.
Avoid it at all costs if you are taking anticoagulant medication or if you suffer from hypertension. It is not recommended to take it after 6 p.m.
Vitamins and erection: the vitamins and minerals that can provide support for pro-erection food supplementation.
Vitamins and minerals also serve as an important support to help overcome erectile dysfunction in men. Here are the most suitable substances.
A healthy and varied diet, including seasonal fruit and vegetables, is able to provide the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body; however, in case you are not sure if you are getting enough of it with your diet, taking Zinc, Vitamin E supplements has been shown to increase the effectiveness of supplements and drugs for erectile dysfunction. In the case of Vitamin E, there are no known side effects from overdose, while for Zinc, in case of prolonged intake and for its inhibitory action of LDL and HDL cholesterol, it is good to consult a doctor [9].
[5] Oral L-citrulline supplementation improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile dysfunction.
[6] Lifestyle and metabolic approaches to maximizing erectile and vascular health.
[8] Propionyl-L-carnitine, L-arginine and niacin in sexual medicine: a nutraceutical approach to erectile dysfunction.
[9] Evaluation of vitamin E in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in aged rats.
Alternativa Al Viagra E Cialis