What Will Happen If Women or a Girl Take Viagra?
Viagra has been known to successfully treat erectile dysfunction in men for years, but there’s an age old question about it that still remains largely unanswered. It’s been ill advised for women to take this medication since it hit the market, but what is it exactly that will happen if women take Viagra? Will they experience any special, horrific side effects by taking a medication that’s meant for men? Will they experience the same side effects as men? Is it even safe for women to try this medication? Through this article we’ll explore the rumors that Viagra can be beneficial to women as well and answer the question as best we can of what will happen if a woman were to consume Viagra.
Why would women want to take Viagra?
There has been erectile dysfunction medication on the market for years, but women’s sexual dysfunction has largely been ignored. This has driven several desperate women to trying their husband or partner’s erectile dysfunction medication to see if it can offer them any benefits, hoping to finally sexual dysfunction and frustration far behind them. But, unfortunately, Viagra for men can’t do anything to help women’s sexual dysfunction. There is now a Viagra specially formulated for women, but it’s hard to come by and pretty pricey. It’s hard to blame them for wanting to see if this highly effective medication could do anything for them. However, trying this medication as a woman is not recommended and could lead to potential harm; there are no studies available to indicate whether Viagra is harmful for women or not.
What will happen if women take Viagra?
Viagra is designed to work by allowing blood flow to be redirected in the body, allowing the man taking the medication to get an erection when sexually stimulated and maintain it during the entirety of sexual intercourse. It’s important to note that Viagra doesn’t actually do anything to increase your sexual desire; it merely addresses the issue of blood flow. As women don’t have penises to redirect the blood flow to, how can this medication affect them? While the drug does still work to redirect blood flow to the genitalia, it still manages to not increase sexual desire in women, in the same way it doesn’t for men. So far, there have been very few tests run on the actual effects of Viagra on women, but it doesn’t look promising. Men and women are fundamentally different when it comes to sexual stimulation and the sexual organs, so it makes since that what works for one gender as treatment for erectile dysfunction, won’t necessarily work on the other.
Is it safe if women take Viagra?
Despite the gender of the person taking this medication, the same side effects can be experienced, including headaches, flushed skin, indigestion, dizziness, or diarrhea. More severely, this medication can cause a heart attack or stroke. The rarer and severe erection-related side effects won’t affect women. As there aren’t many studies being done pertaining to the effects of Viagra on women, there’s no sure way to know what sort of negative effects might affect the women that choose to try this medication. There could be other side effects that only happen to women when they ingest this medication, like those pertaining to erection for men, but until more scientific research is done, there’s not a way to know. In both men and women, this medication can cause adverse effects when mixed with other erectile dysfunction medications, nitrate medications, and medications commonly used to treat sexually transmitted diseases.
Should women try Viagra?
Ultimately, Viagra is not intended for women and, according to the company that made the medication, shouldn’t be tried by them. There have been very few actual studies done on the effects of Viagra on women so the actual danger that this medication could potentially cause is unknown. While it’s true that we don’t actually know what will happen if women take Viagra, it’s not recommended for women and it could be dangerous. Due to the introduction of Lovegra and its generic form (which we’ll get into more detail about in the next section), there has been little need to research the effects of either drug on the opposite sex for which it’s intended. It’s generally recommended that you follow the directions on these medications and don’t abuse them.
What can women try instead?
Luckily, there is finally an answer to this problem women face that is so frequently ignored. The makers of Viagra, Pfizer, have now released a Viagra for women called Lovegra. Lovegra works to increase the sensitivity of the female erogenous zones which makes it easier to obtain orgasms, increases libido, and makes it possible for women to enjoy multiple orgasms. This medication can improve your sex life as well as many aspects of your overall quality of life. You’ll feel like your old self again. There’s even a generic version of it available as well. Both this Lovegra and its generic counterpart are now available over the counter, meaning without the need for a prescription, from this reputable online pharmacy. They offer the simplest and most secure shopping experience, the lowest price on the market, and the quickest and most discreet shipping possible. This medication, like Viagra for men, can help to make you feel younger, return vitality to your sex life, and make sexual intercourse and activity all around more exciting and pleasurable.
Can men try Lovegra?
As we said before, men and women are fundamentally different when it comes to our sexual organs. Just like Viagra wouldn’t help to improve the sex life of a woman, Lovegra is unlikely to help that of a man. The problem that erectile dysfunction poses and Viagra seeks to treat is that of blood flow to the penis. Lovegra won’t be as beneficial to a man as it would be to a woman. However, there’s little research to suggest it’d be harmful for a man to try this medication, but there’s also little to suggest it wouldn’t be. It’s best to just use these medications as they are indicated, rather than risk it.
Viagra has long been the leading treatment for erectile dysfunction amongst men, but what might happen if a woman were to try this medication? Few studies have been done to actually answer this age old question, so there’s no way to definitively know what potential harmful effects could be caused by women taking this medication. It can cause the same side effects in women as in men, but it’s unknown whether or not there’s side effects that women might experience from taking a medication designed for men. Pfizer, the company that made Viagra, has recently introduced a sexual dysfunction medication for women called Lovegra. This medication is designed to treat the common problems sexual dysfunction poses for females. There’s little research as to the effects of either Viagra or Lovegra on the opposite sex for which they are intended, but it’s usually recommended to take medications as directed.
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