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Odyssey: Of Heroes & Monsters

Choose an Action and Risk Mana

After a Hero has taken their Move, the Hero declares what Action they want to do. The Hero must choose an Action from the options for their Level. A Level 2 Hero cannot use Level 1 or Level 3 Actions. The exception to this is the Wizard: The Wizard is the only Hero who can choose to do an Action from a lower Level, but never a higher Level.

Most Actions cost Mana. The Hero must risk Mana, which becomes the base number for the effectiveness of their Action.

Hero Level Mana Risk Mana to Use

1 2 1d2 (flip a coin)

2 4 1 + 1d3 (Heroicaâ„¢ die)

A Level One (1) Hero can choose to risk 1, 2 or 3 Mana each Turn.

A Level Two (2) Hero can choose to risk 1 to 4 Mana each Turn.

A Level Three (3) Hero can choose to risk 1 to 5 Mana each Turn.

Start: 27 Life 23 Mana

Bonus: +1 Life when Healed

Level Action Damage Range

1 Chop Mana x2 vs. Life 1

1 Flail Mana vs. Life All Monsters at 1

2 Hack Mana +3 vs. Life 1

2 Thrash Mana +1 vs. Life All Monsters at 1

3 Slash Mana x3 vs. Life 1

3 Berzerk Mana +3 vs. Life All Monsters at 1

Start: 25 Life 25 Mana

Detection: 5 or 6 (2:6)

Bonus: +3 Life when Healed

Level Action Damage Range

1 Bandage Mana x1 Heal Life 1

1 Thump Mana +1 vs. Life 1

2 Heal Mana x2 Heal Life 1

2 Thwack Mana +2 vs. Life 1

3 Revive Mana x3 Heal Life 4

3 Cudgel Mana +3 vs. Life 1

Start: 29 Life 21 Mana

Bonus: +1 Life when Attacked

Level Action Damage Range

1 Stab Mana x2 vs. Life 1

1 Block Mana +1 vs. next Attack 1

2 Skewer Mana +3 vs. Life 1

2 Knock Mana +2 vs. next Attack 1

3 Impale Mana x4 vs. Life 1

3 Slam Mana +4 vs. next Attack 1

Start: 23 Life 27 Mana

Detection: 4, 5 or 6 (3:6)

Bonus: +1 Life when Healed

Level Action Damage Range

1 Wood Arrow Mana +3 vs. Life 4 in a Straight Line

1 Split Arrow Mana vs. Life All Monsters at 1

2 Stone Arrow Mana x2 vs. Life 5 in a Straight Line

2 Multi Arrow Mana +1 vs. Life All Monsters at 2

3 Metal Arrow Mana +5 vs. Life 5 in a Straight Line

3 Hail Arrows Mana +2 vs. Life All Monsters at 3

Start: 22 Life 28 Mana

Detection: 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 (5:6)

Bonus: +1d3 Gold from Monsters or Chests

Level Action Damage Range

1 Jab Mana +1 vs. Life 1

1 Pilfer Mana is Gold from Monster 1

2 Hook Mana +3 vs. Life 1

2 Loot Mana is Gold from Monster 1

3 Backstab Mana x2 vs. Life 1

3 Rob Mana x2 is Gold from Monster 1

Start: 21 Life 29 Mana

Detection: 3, 4, 5 or 6 (4:6)

Bonus: +1d3 Mana from Potions

Level Action Damage Range

1 Fireball Mana +3 vs. Life 4

1 Fog Mana vs. next Attack 3

1 Bandage Mana x2 Heal Life 2

2 Ice Blast Mana +2 vs. Life & next Attack 2

2 Sleep If Mana x3 > Life then Sleep 2

2 Energize Mana x2 Heal Mana (not self) 2

3 Firestorm Mana x2 vs. Life All Monsters 3

3 Shatter Mana x3 vs. Life 2

3 Shield Mana x3 vs. next Attack 1

The Wizard is special and able to use Lower Level Actions.

The Actions of the Wizard can curve around corners.

Bonus: Separate Attacks on each Hero

Action Damage Range

Bite 1d3 vs. Life 1

Action Damage Range

Bite 1d3 +3 vs. Life 1

Bonus: Separate Attacks on each Hero

Action Damage Range

Bite 1d3 vs. Life 1

Action Damage Range

Bite 1d3 +2 vs. Life 1

Bonus: Separate Attacks on each Hero

Action Damage Range

Bite 1d3 x3 vs. Life 1

Action Damage Range

Clunk 1d3 +2 vs. Life 1

Bonus: +2 Life on its Turn (up to Maximum)

Action Damage Range

Fangs 1d3 vs. Life 1

Action Damage Range

Whack 1d3 +5 vs. Life 1

Bonus: +3 Life vs. First Attack each Round of Turns

Action Damage Range

Smite 1d3 x4 vs. Life 1

Bonus: +3 Life on its Turn (up to Maximum)

Action Damage Range

Malice 1d3 +5 vs. Life All Heros up to 2

Bonus: +1 Life vs. each Attack

Action Damage Range

Crunch 1d3 x3 vs. Life 1

Bonus: +4 Life vs. First Attack each Round of Turns