Does Viagra Make You Last Longer In Bed?
Can Viagra help you keep going during sex no matter what? Is it a medication that can always help you last as long as you want?
If you are not lasting as long in bed as you’d like then there might be solutions for you, but Viagra may or may not be one of them. Learn what is the right choice for you to help you keep going during sex.
Does Viagra help you last longer in bed?
Viagra can only help you last longer in bed if your problem is losing your erection too quickly – Viagra can’t help with the following problems:
Coming too early (premature ejaculation) – you might need premature ejaculation treatment instead Low libido (sex drive) – medication can’t help here. You may benefit from sex therapy or lifestyle changes Getting tired during sex – apart from caffeine before sex, the best way to stop from getting tired is to raise your physical fitness level.
Why doesn’t Viagra stop you coming early? – Viagra makes it easier to get erections, it doesn’t change the sensitivity of your penis or affect when or how you orgasm during sex. Orgasming and getting an erection are 2 different processes within your body.
Why doesn’t Viagra make you more aroused? – Viagra only improves the blood flow to your penis. It doesn’t change the signal to get an erection coming from your brain. This is what getting aroused means, you’re mentally ready for sex so your brain sends a signal to your penis to get an erection. Without that Viagra can’t help you last longer.
Doesn’t being able to get an erection easier mean you’re aroused? – no, because you still need to be aroused to get the erection. You can take Viagra and it can make it easier for you to physically get an erection but if you’re not aroused then it still won’t happen.
Could Viagra help me last longer?
Yes, if you have erectile dysfunction – if the reason you can’t last as long as you want in bed is because you can’t get or keep erections easily, then Viagra could help. Viagra improves the blood flow to your penis making it easier to get and keep an erection when you’re aroused.
Viagra can’t help if you don’t have erectile dysfunction – if the reason you’re not lasting as long as you like in bed is not related to keeping erections then you need to find a different kind of treatment.
Viagra isn’t suitable for everyone – it is designed to be taken by men aged 18 years and over and not for women and children. You shouldn’t take Viagra if you:
Have had an allergic reaction to Viagra or any other medicines in the past Are taking nitrates for chest pain Have heart or liver problems Have had a stroke recently Have had a heart attack recently Have low blood pressure Have a rare inherited eye disease Are female Under 18 years of age.
How long can viagra help me last?
Viagra makes it easier to get an erection for up to 6 hours – It can take up to 1 hour for the effects of Viagra to work in the case of ED, but you can take it any time up to 4 hours before you want to have sex. For more information, see our page on ‘how long does Viagra last?’
The duration varies from person to person – although, it has been known to last up to 6 hours with sexual stimulation the length of time it will last for does really vary between individuals. Normally, the effects of the medication tend to wear off after 2-3 hours after first taking it.
You can still lose your erections after orgasm – Viagra doesn’t stop your erection going down after you orgasm so you will likely lose your erection after you do. If you are having trouble orgasming too early then you may need separate treatment for premature ejaculation.
You can have multiple sessions on Viagra – although your erection may go down after you orgasm, you can still have sex again while your Viagra is still working. Like normal, you may have to wait between erections after your orgasm, but Viagra will still make erections easier after the first orgasm.
What can limit the effect of Viagra? – there are certain factors which can have an effect on how Viagra works. These can include:
Your age : Men over the age of 65 might find the effects last a little longer as their metabolism slows down – so Viagra stays in your body for longer Alcohol : Alcohol decreases the blood flow to your penis making it harder to get an erection Drinking more than 2 units of alcohol while taking Viagra can increase the chance of negative side effects and make you unable to get and keep an erection Diet : A large meal high in fat can affect the way Viagra works Taking the medication on an empty stomach means it will get to work much quicker Other Drugs : Antibiotics can affect how long Viagra will work You should speak to your GP to check if you are at risk of any drug interactions Dosage : Usually higher doses are more effective and tend to last longer Your GP will prescribe the right Viagra dosage to you Viagra is available in doses from 25-100mg Health : Your overall health will affect Viagra’s working time If you have liver or kidney problems it could last longer as it will take longer for your body to break the drug down.
Can other erectile dysfunction treatments help me last longer?
Which medications last the longest? – Cialis (tadalafil). Although, Viagra is the most commonly known erectile dysfunction medication, Cialis has the longest lasting effects. Cialis also involves less planning but the side effects can also last longer too. Also you can take low-dosage Cialis Daily everyday, in which case you could always have the effect of getting erections easier.
Other medications – there is are other medications that can help your erections last longer:
Levitra – this also can last as long as Viagra, but Levitra doesn’t tend to be affected by food or alcohol so can be taken alongside a meal Spedra – this is another medication that lasts about as long but gets to work faster than the others Alprostadil – this is medication applied directly to the penis. These do not last as long as other erectile dysfunction medications.
There are other treatments for ED available, these include:
Counselling – erectile dysfunction can be caused by stress and anxiety and so seeking professional help from a counsellor can help relieve the symptoms. Life-changing issues or just everyday stress from work or home life can be enough to cause erectile dysfunction. Talking with a counsellor can help and it may also help to include your partner in these sessions as well. Counselling can help you last longer long-term if it works.
Devices – penis pumps or penis rings can improve penile firmness through their encouragement of blood flow to the penis. These can only be used up to 30 minutes at a time. These devices have been effective in around 80% of cases. Penis rings may also help improve your erections.
Surgery – if all other ED treatments fail, then surgery can be an option.
How else can I last longer in bed?
There are several medical and lifestyle choices you can make to help improve your sex life and sexual fitness:
Premature ejaculation medication Improving your fitness level Lifestyle changes.
Premature ejaculation medication – if you are experiencing premature ejaculation, which is relatively common affecting 20-30% of men, you can use medication to help prevent it. There are 2 types of PE – lifelong or acquired. Lifelong can be classified as starting from the first sexual experience and can be a problem throughout life, whereas acquired usually occurs because of a gradual onset. PE can influence your self-confidence and your relationships. But there are medications available including:
Emla – a numbing cream which can decrease the sensitivity of the penis Priligy – p rescription-only treatment that delays ejaculation.
Fitness – erectile dysfunction is more common in overweight or obese men, although it can affect anyone. Health issues include:
Therefore, it is good to take regular exercise to limit the risk to your health. The narrowing of your arteries can be a cause as this can restrict the blood flow to your penis. Therefore, you should try to exercise daily.
Lifestyle – there are several changes you can make to your lifestyle to help with erection problems. These can include:
Quit smoking if you do Try to eat a healthy, balanced diet: Get your five a day Drink 2 litres of water per day Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day: Please note – avoid cycling as this can actually contribute to erectile dysfunction Try to avoid stressful situations Avoid alcohol if you can or at least don’t drink more than 14 units per week.
Goldstein, I. et al (1998). Oral sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The New England Journal of Medicine ; 338: 1397-1404.
Hatzimouratidis, K. et al (2010). Guidelines on male sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. European Urology ; 57: 804-814.
Heaton, J. P. W. and Adams, M. A. (2004). Causes of erectile dysfunction. Endocrine ; 23: 119-123.
Does Viagra Or Cialis Make You Last Longer