Bioplastic Opportunities for Central Europe
Bioplastics Opportunities in Central Europe was fourth and also final conference organized within the PLASTiCE project and was held on September 23th and 24th in Slovenj Gradec. The conference which was joined with the Summer School of the PolyRegion project was attended by more than 80 participants from 10 countries.
PLASTiCE project and its outcomes were presented by project coordinator dr. Andrej Kržan and coordinators of two work packages. The main focus of the project is promotion of sustainable types of plastics and its use which was carried out using versatile dissemination routes form webpage, articles, brochures, books, social media and other. The international reach of project videos was also mentioned since this way project reached broader public and not only the Central European region. This is achieved also with the help Prof. Stanislav Mertus, external member of the project, who managed to gather specialists on the field of biopolymers from different countries and motivated them to join the project as Focal Points for sustainable Plastics which is accessible on Three representatives of focal points presented the current situation with bioplastics in their countries (Egypt, Ukraine and Czech Republic). Lectures also gave an overview of bioplastic materials, their development, use and enhancement to obtain certain characteristics.
The second day was more application oriented. Different topics needed for the use of bioplastics and its production were presented, starting with price calculation and knowledge transfer. Afterwards the use of bioplastics for production of versatile materials was presented. Slovenia has implemented one very good practice of the use of biodegradable plastics – collection system of biodegradable household waste in municipality Piran. It was shoved as a good example of waste management. And at the end case study carried out in Slovenia with the help of CRO Vrhnika was presented as a perfect end of life option of biodegradable plastics.
All participants agreed that the project affected the involved countries with higher awareness of the research sphere and also the general public.
Dr. Andrej Kržan, project coordinator said: “We are more than pleased with the outcomes of the project, especially in Slovenia. Raised awareness was noticed among general population. One of the most attended events organized within the project was the premiere of the Trashed movie which attracted around 1000 people. Also the interest of high schools in Slovenia was observed, some schools will implement lectures on bioplastics in their regular program If we summarize everything we can freely say that PLASTiCE contributed to the better knowledge on bioplastics and sustainable plastics in general.
PLASTiCE konference in seminarji
Informacije o konferencah in seminarjih najdete TUKAJ
Kaj je trajnostna plastika?
Kaj točno mislimo, ko rečemo trajnostna plastika? Ali je to samo plastika narejena iz škroba? Samo tista ustvarjena z reciklažo? Ugotovite kaj posamezne besede pomenijo v svetu plastike v našem slovarju ali pa poiščite odgovore na najpogosteje zastavljena vprašanja.
PLASTiCE- plastika usklajena z naravo
Neustavljiva rast uporabe plastike je obenem prinesla tudi rast okoljskih bremen z vidika uporabe virov, emisij v proizvodni fazi izdelka in ravnanja z odpadki. Če želimo nadzorovati in zmanjšati negativne vplive na okolje, je nujno potrebno, da preidemo na proizvodnjo in uporabo plastike z višjo stopnjo trajnosti, še posebej biorazgradljivo plastiko in plastiko iz obnovljivih virov. S prepoznavanjem in odpravljanjem ovir znotraj celotne vrednostne verige želi projekt PLASTiCE pomagati pri hitrejši in bolj razširjeni uporabi trajnostnih vrst plastike, zlasti biorazgradljive plastike in plastike, ki temelji na obnovljivih virih . več