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Uno Commander AKA “Rooster”
1997 Brown Gelding
Rooster came to me as an early 3 year old. He was purchased out of the San Antonio working cow-horse sale by Don and Angela Ganter. He was only green broke and was a very spooky colt and a handful. My Dad rode him for several months putting a barrel handle on him and getting him to where he was safe for me to ride. When he would get scared he would wheel around and was so athletic and quick footed if you weren’t on the top of your game and paying total attention he would plant you on your head. He was a sweet horse and was a natural when I started him on the barrels.
My hats off to my father, he is the reason Rooster made it as a barrel horse. He was super patient with him and really gained Rooster’s trust and that was what it took to get him to come around. I campaigned him his 4 year old year for Angela and he did really well. I bought him from her after Ft Smith and we worked out a deal because Angela felt like Rooster really belonged with me. I paid very little for him in retrospect and I will be eternally grateful to Angela recognizing the bond and talent between the two of us.
Rooster ran the pattern to the right his futurity year. His first barrel was his down fall. It was hit or miss. If he nailed it I won, but about once out of every 4 times he would go a stride or two by it. At the start of his 5 year old year I decided to switch him to the left barrel first. I had only had him on the pattern to the left a week when I went to the Speedhorse Silver Cup and he just missed making the short go. It proved to be the best decision I ever made with him. He was way more confident running that way and just got better and better each time we ran. He ended up 6th at Ft Smith in the derby just a couple weeks after being switched.
That summer I hauled him to some amateur rodeos and he loved the atmosphere and really started to show his potential. That fall I won the Jr Barrels at the AQHA World Show. When I started 2003 I entered the building rodeos as I always did in hopes of making the Texas Circuit Finals. I was still in college and was working 8 to 5, 5 days a week doing my Physical Therapy clinicals to complete my degree in May. I won the 1st go at Denver (on Rowdy), placed at Ft Worth in a round, made the short round at San Antonio and placed in the average, made the short go and placed in the average at Laughlin and won the Tour Rodeo at Austin. All of which surprisingly shot me up into the top 15 in the standings and qualified me for my 1st Tour Finale in June in Las Vegas.
I rodeoed very sparingly until May. That summer after I graduated from college I took off rodeoing with Angela. I did good at the Tour Finale and good enough that summer to qualify me for my 1st NFR. In October, I had my NFR qualification secured when Rooster was diagnosed with EPM. I was devastated, but Rooster came threw the treatment like a true champion and never missed a beat. I won 4 go-rounds at my 1st NFR, placed in 2 others and won $74, 451. I ended up 3rd in the year-end-standings with $120,690 (Janae Ward won the world and Kelly Kaminski was reserve).
We sailed to another NFR qualification in 2004, winning the Tour Rodeos at Laughlin and Red Bluff. We again qualified for the Tour Finale in Las Vegas and really well there. I took most of the fall off because I had enough money won to ensure another NFR and I let my big boy rest up for the вЂbig show.’ The 2004 NFR started off terrible. Rooster ducked the 2nd barrel the 1st 2 rounds. The camera pit is right behind the 2nd barrel if you run to the left. It had been enlarged in 2004 and I could not even get him to walk to it in the practice. His sight in this right eye and the feeling in his mouth on the right side had been affected by the bout with EPM. It just wasn’t going to happen for Rooster and I to the left in вЂ04 like it had in вЂ03. So the morning before the 3rd round we had practice in the Thomas and Mack. I trotted him threw 2 times, loped him once, then made a practice run on him to the right barrel 1st. He had not been that direction in over 2 ВЅ years but took to it willingly. That night I made the come back of come backs winning 4th in the 3rd round. I will say of all my NFR runs this was my most memorable. I remember making the pattern (FINALLY) and running by my Dad in the alley and hollering at him in joy and throwing my arm in the air. He did the same in return… A memory and a triumph that will live with me in my heart forever. I went on to place in 7 of the last 8 rounds, winning 2. I came away from the 2004 NFR with $72,577 and finished the season ranked number 4 with $127,767 (Kelly Kaminski won the world, Molly Powell was reserve and Liz Pinkston was third).
2005 started off great but as the season wore on Rooster was not performing up to par. I had to turn him out at the end of July and that ended our chances for a third NFR. I tried to get him back up after 6 months of rest at the start of 2006. I made 4 runs on him before throwing in the towel. Rooster has severe arthritis in his left stifle that has proven to be career ending. I retired him probably before most would have, but I wanted him to be pain-free in the pasture to live out his days as a pasture ornament. When the fire in his eyes was no longer there, I knew he did not owe me anything and his body wouldn’t let him do what he loved at that level anymore. Now he is fat and sassy bossing my up and coming babies around in the pasture, and hopefully passing on some his secrets to the next generation!
The Cover of America’s Quarterhorse Magazine – They wrote an article about our triumph over EPM.
This is the classic picture of Rooster and I at the 2003 NFR. Yes it stayed up and yes we won the round. This run gave me the nickname “The Wild Child.”
I love this horse and I love this picture. Another photo from the America’s Quarterhorse shoot.
Mito (TB) |
Mito Paint (TB) |
Herb’s Miss (TB) |
Mito Commander |
Commander King |
Commander’s Doll |
Joy Doll |
Uno Commander |
Eternal Trouble |
Eternal Poco Uno |
Poco Dee’s Baby |
Unos Shady Lady |
Fame Pay Gold |
Honey Bar Mist |
Bar Mist |
Takin on the Bug AKA “Dumplin”
1994 Brown Mare
Dumplin’ came to me threw my Dad’s racehorse barn. A lifelong friend, Chuck Dobbins, sent the then 3-year old fat, dumpy mare (where the name вЂDumplin’ came from) to my Dad to prepare her to run in a derby she qualified for from her breeding. She had been broke as a yearling by a reining horse trainer who вЂjumped her off’ in his arena then made her slide. So, when they put her on the track as a 2 year old she would break hard, go to the front for about 150 yards then totally back off and get passed. They only started her a couple times and turned her out thinking that she would forget the reining training and come back and run as a 3 year old. Well, Dad tried and tried with her before calling Mr. Dobbins and telling him it was a hopeless cause. She just wouldn’t run the full 300 yards needed for the trails. Mr. Dobbins said вЂAwe Jack, I raised that mare and I want to see her do something, give her to one of the girls and see if she will make a barrel horse.”
Dad put her back in a stock saddle and put a barrel handle on her. Riding her the 1st few weeks with race plates on until she was due to be shod. We took her out of the racehorse barn and turned her out in one of the barrel horse pastures and she started to bloom. The once dumpy Dumplin’ turned into a beautiful, flashy very talented mare in the next few months. She was a futurity horse my senior year in high school. She was also the 1st horse I started and trained all myself that I was campaigned at the futurities. She won money in 1998 at every single futurity I took her to. Winning the futurity at the Lazy E and The Elite Futurity that was held in Glen Rose, TX. She won 2nd at both the spring and fall futurity in Ardmore, OK. She was 2nd at the World Championship Futurity in Oklahoma City. She ended up 3rd in the yearend Barrel Futurities of America standings, winning over $74,000 that year.
She went on to win SO much for me until feet problems sent her to the broodmare pasture. She was my NFR backup horse in 2003 when she came up open that year. She had the most beautiful running style and was a true natural turner, which she is passing onto her babies. She is the base of my maternally driven breeding program. We believe at J2 barrel horses that a proven dam is he way to increase our chances of having a champion foal. Dumplin’s mother Miss Shawnee Deb was a proven producer. She produced 2 foals that ran out over $200,000 a piece on the race track, Runaway Wil who won an MBNA Challenge race and qualified for the Champion of Champions and Lock and Load (now standing stud at Hart Farms) who won the Los Alamitos Derby. I am so excited to get these proven maternal bloodlines in the barrel area! Dumplin’s babies are as follows:
2003 grey gelding- Worminmytequilla by Royal Shakem (good luck Jo Scarmardo and Wormy!)
2005 brown mare- Black Betty Bug by Dashin By (currently in training and will run at the 2009 futurities)
2006 sorrel gelding- French Pistol by Frenchmans Guy (currently broke and being rode, will be started on barrel in the spring of 09)
2007 sorrel mare- Catch the Rain by Blazin Jetolena
2008 sorrel stud- Straight Up Martini (pending) by Letta Hank Do It