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California Immunization Registry

What is the CAIR 2.0 Project?
The CAIR 2.0 Project has three main goals:

  1. To consolidate patient data from the 7 CDPH-managed regional CAIR registries (Northern Cal, Greater Sac, Bay Area, Central Valley, Central Coast, LA-Orange, and Inland Empire) into a single, centralized registry (the CAIR 'hub'),
  2. To replace the current CAIR software used by those 7 regions with new CAIR software that will be compliant with state IT standards and support one-way and bi-directional HL7 data exchange,
  3. To electronically connect the CAIR 'hub' to the other 3 non-CDPH CAIR regional registries to allow statewide patient searches and record retrieval.

When Will It Happen?
The transition to CAIR 2.0 will begin in August of 2016 and be completed by April of 2017. Over a 9-month period, users of the current 7 CDPH CAIR regional registries will transition to use of the centralized CAIR hub and the new software in 3 phases, with one or more regions transitioning in each phase. (see CAIR 2 Project Timeline below.)

CAIR 2 Project Timeline
Phase CAIR Region(s) CAIR 2.0 Training Registration CAIR 2.0 Training CAIR 2.0 Launch
1 NorCal, Greater Sac, Central Coast, Inland Empire Begins August 1, 2016 Begins September 1, 2016 October 1, 2016
2 Bay Area, Central Valley Begins October 1, 2016 Begins November 1 , 2016 December 1, 2016
3 Los Angeles – Orange Begins January 1, 2017 Begins February 1, 2017 March 1, 2017

How will this affect current CAIR users?
Since the new CAIR software will have a different look-and-feel from the current software, 'Power' and 'Regular' users will be required to attend an orientation-type training that will teach them how to navigate and use the new software. As noted in the CAIR 2.0 Project Timeline above, a 30-day period for training registration will precede the start of the training period in each of the 3 phases. Links to the training registration site will be posted here and on each CAIR login page. Stay tuned!

CAIR 2 Training Requirements (see description of Use Types)
CAIR User Type Is Formal Training Required?
'Power' Yes
'Regular' Yes
'Read-Only' No (training videos only)

My practice EHR submits data to CAIR through the CDPH Gateway/IZ Portal. Will I need to make any changes for CAIR 2.0?
No. The current data exchange process will continue for CAIR 2.0. However, the new software will be capable of bi-directional data exchange and guidance and message specifications for moving your practice to bi-directional data exchange will be posted here. Check back here periodically for more information. In the meantime, make sure to update your data exchange site contact info by logging in to the CAIR IZ Portal .

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