The 4 Best Places to Buy Cialis Online
How to Buy Medicines Safely From an Online Pharmacy
Have you ever been tempted to buy your medicines from an online pharmacy or another website?
You can protect yourself and your family by being cautious when buying medicine online. Some pharmacy websites operate legally and offer convenience, privacy, cost savings and safeguards for purchasing medicines.
Not all websites are the same. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that there are many unsafe online pharmacies that claim to sell prescription drugs at deeply discounted prices, often without requiring a prescription. These internet-based pharmacies often sell unapproved, counterfeit or otherwise unsafe medicines outside the safeguards followed by licensed pharmacies.
Many unsafe online pharmacies use fake “storefronts” to mimic licensed pharmacies or to make you think their medicines come from countries with high safety standards. But the medicines they sell could have been made anywhere, with little care or concern for safety and effectiveness. Also, these drugs could be fake, expired or otherwise unsafe for you and your family.
How can you tell if an online pharmacy is operating legally? The FDA’s BeSafeRx page has resources and tools to help you make safer and more informed decisions when buying prescription medicines online.
Warning Signs of an Unsafe Online Pharmacy
- Do not require a doctor’s prescription.
- Are not licensed in the U.S. and by your state board of pharmacy.
- Do not have a licensed pharmacist on staff to answer your questions.
- Send medicine that looks different than what you receive at your usual pharmacy, or arrives in packaging that is broken, damaged, in a foreign language, has no expiration date, or is expired.
- Offer deep discounts or prices that seem too good to be true.
- Charge you for products you never ordered or received.
- Do not provide clear written protections of your personal and financial information.
- Sell your information to other websites.
These pharmacies often sell medicines that can be dangerous because they may:
- Have too much or too little of the active ingredient you need to treat your disease or condition.
- Not contain the right active ingredient.
- Contain the wrong ingredients or other harmful substances.
The active ingredient of an approved drug product is what makes the medicine effective for the illness or condition it is intended to treat. If a medicine has unknown active ingredients, it could fail to have the intended effect, could have an unexpected interaction with other medicines you are taking, could cause dangerous side effects, or could cause other serious health problems, such as serious allergic reactions.
Also, these drugs may not have been stored properly, such as in a warehouse without necessary temperature controls, which may cause the medicine to be ineffective in treating your condition.
Know the Signs of a Safe Online Pharmacy
There are ways you can identify a safe online pharmacy. These pharmacies:
- Always require a doctor’s prescription.
- Provide a physical address and telephone number in the U.S.
- Have a licensed pharmacist on staff to answer your questions.
- Are licensed with a state board of pharmacy.
Another way to help ensure you are using a safe and legal online pharmacy is to check the pharmacy’s license in the state’s board of pharmacy license database by using the location tool on the FDA’s BeSafeRx website. If your online pharmacy is not listed, don’t use that pharmacy.
The 4 Best Places to Buy Cialis Online
According to a 2018 research review, erectile dysfunction (ED) affects about one-third of men , and is more likely to occur with advanced age.
While common, ED can be a frustrating experience for many. An older 2002 study showed that it can lead to anxiety surrounding sexual intercourse, along with a disrupted sex life.
However, ED can be treated safely with medications, like Cialis (the brand name for tadalafil), a vasodilator. Cialis is acquired with a prescription, even through online sources.
Online ordering can be a great alternative for people who prefer the convenience and discretion of getting medication directly shipped to their homes.
Read on to find out more about where you can buy Cialis and generic tadalafil online.
Cialis (tadalafil) is a prescription drug used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It works for ED by relaxing smooth muscle in the blood vessels of the penis, therefore increasing blood flow.
Tadalafil is available in several doses in tablet form: 2.5 milligrams (mg), 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg. Depending on the dose for ED, you can use it as needed before sexual activity, or you may take the 2.5 mg or 5 mg once a day.
Like Viagra, Cialis can help you get or maintain an erection when you’re aroused.
Thanks to telehealth medicine, filling your prescriptions online is easier and faster than ever. ED medications, like Cialis and its generic version, can be purchased through a variety of online platforms.
Buying Cialis online is a relatively simple process that allows users to forgo an in-person trip to the doctor. A telehealth professional will conduct an evaluation of your health and provide an electronic prescription. Then, you’ll receive the medication in discreet packaging.
While online services differ slightly, all require a private health assessment and consultation with a virtual specialist or physician before the medication is shipped to you.
Cialis is not available over the counter in the United States, and it must be prescribed by a licensed medical professional. All the telehealth services listed below include a virtual doctor’s guidance.
To ensure safety, it’s important that you purchase Cialis through a legitimate telehealth company, like the ones reviewed below. Otherwise, you risk purchasing Cialis illegally and with potentially counterfeit or dangerous ingredients.
La surdité est une perte partielle ou totale de la perception des sons. Elle peut être congénitale, c’est à dire apparue dès la naissance ou acquise secondairement.
- Les surdités de transmission par atteinte de l’oreille externe ou de l’oreille moyenne
- Les surdités de perception par atteinte neurosensorielle (oreille interne, nerf auditif, tronc cérébral)
- Diagnostic et confirmation de la surdité et de ses caractéristiques : degré de surdité, côté de la perte auditive etc…
- Orientation de la prise en charge avec projet thérapeutique
- Développer la communication et le langage oral avec aides à la communication en accord avec le projet familial
- Adapter la meilleure réhabilitation auditive (prothèses, implants cochléaires)
- Intégrer l’enfant en milieu ordinaire (crèche, école).
Le diagnostic se fait lors d’une consultation ORL pédiatrique avec réalisation d’examens d’audiométrie adaptées à l’âge de l’enfant (0-18 ans) pour une confirmation du statut auditif. Un examen de l’audition est possible dès le plus jeune âge. Puis suit la mise en place d’une réhabilitation auditive adaptée à la surdité de l’enfant ainsi qu’un suivi des enfants déficients auditifs.
L’enfant et ses parents sont accueillis par une orthophoniste et l’éducatrice de jeunes enfants du service. Une éducation précoce et un accompagnement parental sont organisés pour écouter les parents, répondre à leurs questions, les accompagner et les informer au mieux sur la surdité.
Lors de la prise en charge, l’enfant est observé dans sa globalité, pour chercher à évaluer ses perceptions auditives, et noter la qualité des interactions de l’enfant avec ses parents.
Les différentes étapes se déclinent alors : séance d’orthophonie en individuel, participation à un groupe animé par une psychomotricienne et une orthophoniste, temps de guidance, suivi psychologique, formation aux aides à la communication et suivi de l’appareillage auditif / implant cochléaire.
Le secteur d’audiophonologie de l’Institut Saint Pierre de Palavas fait partie du Centre de Diagnostic et d’Orientation de la Surdité (CDOS). L’équipe comprend plusieurs médecins ORL spécialisés en audiologie pédiatrique, Orthophonistes, Psychomotriciennes, Educatrices de jeunes enfants, Psychologues, infirmière coordinatrice etagent de soins.
Qu’est-ce que le diabète de l’enfant?
Le diabète de l’enfant et de l’adolescent est un diabète de type 1, dans la majorité des cas.
C’est une maladie auto-immune, c’est-à-dire que le système de défense de l’enfant « détruit » certaines de ses propres cellules, en l’occurrence celles du pancréas qui produisent l’insuline.
Il faut donc traiter la maladie par insuline sous cutanée (injections ou pompe)
Près de 25 000 enfant sont atteints d’un diabète, dont 25% ont moins de 5 ans lors du diagnostic.
Quels sont les symptômes qui doivent alerter?
- Votre enfant se met soudain à réclamer à boire de façon beaucoup plus importante.
- Votre enfant a un besoin fréquent d’uriner au cours de la journée et de la nuit.
- Votre enfant, propre, se remet à faire pipi au lit.
- Votre enfant se sent fatigué, perd du poids, se plaint de maux de ventre…
Il faut consulter votre médecin en urgence
Au stade initial de la maladie, le service accueille l’enfant et sa famille après la phase de rééquilibration, réalisée dans le centre hospitalier où le diagnostic a été posé.
Education thérapeutique de l’enfant diabétique et de sa famille:
Les objectifs du programme d’éducation thérapeutique destiné aux enfants diabétiques et à leur entourage, ont été élaborés en étroite collaboration par l’équipe de Pédiatrie Spécialisée de l’Institut Saint-Pierre et le Service de Diabétologie Pédiatrique du CHRU de Montpellier (hôpital Arnaud De Villeneuve), avec une organisation en temps partagé par les médecins référents sur les deux sites.
Le programme d’ETP s’adresse à l’ensemble des correspondants du réseau Pédiab LR.
Il est élaboré au travers des différentes étapes du parcours de l’enfant diabétique.
Le programme d’éducation à la découverte de la maladie (primo éducation) comporte plusieurs séquences axées sur les bases métaboliques et nutritionnelles du diabète, bases qui vont permettre à l’enfant de pouvoir regagner son domicile en toute sécurité.La durée d’hospitalisation est de 8 à 10 jours :
- Physiopathologie du diabète.
- Apprentissage de la technique de réalisation des glycémies capillaires, de l’acétonémie, de la pose des capteurs, des injections sous cutanées d’insuline et/ou de la pompe à insuline sous cutanée.
- Comprendre les causes et connaître la conduite à tenir en cas d’hypoglycémie, d’hyperglycémie, d’acétonémie pathologique.
- Ateliers diététiques qui vont de l’enquête alimentaire initiale et des habitudes familiales à l’insulinothérapie fonctionnelle.
- Adaptation de l’insulinothérapie.
- Rédaction des PAI (pour une réintégration la plus facile possible dans le milieu scolaire).
- Le psychologue reçoit l’enfant et la famille au moins une fois durant le séjour.
- L’assistante sociale explique les droits quant à cette maladie prise en charge à 100 % (ALD liste des 30 maladies).
Les stages d’autonomisation s’adressent à des groupes de douze jeunes diabétiques, sans leurs parents, pendant les vacances scolaires. Les enfants sont regroupés par tranche d’âge et de niveaux scolaires (primaire, collège et lycée).
Cette prise en charge multidisciplinaire commence par une évaluation individuelle des connaissances par l’infirmière d’éducation, pour adapter et aménager des ateliers pour renforcer leurs connaissances et améliorer leur équilibre métabolique mais aussi leur qualité de vie. D’autres ateliers permettent la mise en situation à travers des activités sportives ou des sorties, et des échanges lors de groupes de paroles.
Ce traitement est incontournable dans la prise en charge de l’enfant jeune (faibles débits d’insuline, apports d’insuline faits en fin de repas et adaptés aux glucides mangés, gestion facilité des viroses intercurrentes notamment digestives…).
Cet outil permet également un meilleur équilibre global, une réduction des hypoglycémies sévères et enfin quelque soit le groupe d’âge, une amélioration certaine de la qualité de vie.
Le séjour d’éducation dure 5 jours et prend la forme d’ateliers qui comportent :
- Manipulation de l’outil (apprentissage de la pose des cathéters, remplissage du réservoir, connaissance des fonctions de la pompe…),
- Reprise de l’éducation concernant la genèse de l’acétonémie pathologique
- Education à ce nouveau mode d’administration de l’insuline et aux nouveaux objectifs fixés.
- Réévaluation des connaissances par les diététiciennes, insulinothérapie fonctionnelle.
Le stage parent / jeune enfant diabétique, séjour destiné à renforcer les connaissances autour de l’insulinothérapie fonctionnelle et à faciliter les échanges entre les familles.
4 places to safely buy Cialis online 2023
Cialis is a brand-name medication with approval to treat erectile dysfunction and other sexual health conditions in males. It is available to buy from some online telehealth companies but requires a prescription.
This article explores Cialis in more detail and lists some companies that offer this drug. It also looks at some safety considerations, frequently asked questions, and when to speak with a doctor for erectile dysfunction.
A quick look at the best places to buy Cialis online:
- Best affordable Cialis:Roman
- Best for insurance coverage:Lemonaid
- Best subscription with free consultations:Hims
- Best for discreet packaging:K Health
Cialis is a medication that doctors may prescribe to people who have difficulty maintaining an erection.
Its main ingredient is tadalafil, which helps increase blood flow to the penis to cause an erection. Tadalafil is also useful for treating pulmonary hypertension and symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
Tadalafil tablets are available with a prescription. Individuals can take them with or without food.
Depending on how the body responds to the medication, doctors may adjust a person’s Cialis prescription dosage. If a person experiences side effects such as dizziness, headaches, and a rapid heartbeat, they should inform their doctor and stop taking Cialis immediately.
Viagra is another brand of medication that can treat erectile dysfunction. It contains sildenafil, whereas Cialis contains tadalafil.
FDA approval
Both Cialis and Viagra belong to a group of medications that researchers call phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. These include sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil, which have the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s approval to treat erectile problems.
Side effects
Tadalafil, or Cialis, does not usually cause significant side effects. However, some people may develop mild side effects, including:
Cialis may not suit those with chest pain and take nitrates, as this combination can lower blood pressure to a dangerous level.
Individuals who take Viagra or sildenafil may experience:
Available forms and administration
Viagra and Cialis are both available as tablets.
People may take tadalafil once daily or 30 minutes before engaging in sexual activity.
People can take sildenafil up to 4 hours before sexual intercourse.
Medical News Today chooses ED products that meet the following criteria:
- Company reputation:MNT selects products from brands that have undergone internal vetting of medical and business standards. The brands we choose are reputable and reliable, with positive reviews and transparent business practices.
- Product transparency:MNT selects products that state ingredients, side effects, and recommended dosage clearly.
- Safety:MNT selects brands that require a doctor’s prescription before customers can order Cialis. This ensure that a person can safely take Cialis and that the provider is responsible.
- Price:MNT selects products that suit a range of budgets, including choosing brands that offer both brand-name and generic Cialis.
Please note that the writer of this article has not tried these products. All information presented is purely research-based and correct at the time of publication.
Medical News Today follows a strict product selection and vetting process. Learn more here.
Best affordable Cialis: Roman
Roman sells the following versions of Cialis:
- Generic: This is available in tablets of 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg, starting from $11.
- Daily Generic: This is available in doses of 2.5 and 5 mg at $8.
- Branded Cialis: This is available in doses of 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg, starting from $17.
- Daily branded Cialis: This version comes in doses of 2.5 and 5 mg, costing $13.
Roman’s doctors do not currently treat BPH, so the medication is only available from this company for individuals with erectile dysfunction.
The company requires people to have an online consultation with a doctor before issuing a prescription, which occurs within 24 hours of a person enquiring. The consultation costs $15 and is currently available to people in the United States.
If the doctor thinks the medication is not suitable for the individual and they do not issue a prescription, a customer will receive a full refund. Please note that there is no insurance coverage for consultations.
Roman also offers free 2-day shipping and follow-up visits.
Also, the platform’s services come with pros and cons:
- refunds when prescriptions do not apply
- free shipping
- free follow-up visits
- option to cancel a subscription at any time
Best for insurance coverage: Lemonaid
- As needed: Pricing starts at $65 per tablet. This is available in doses of 5 milligrams (mg), 10 mg, and 20 mg.
- Daily: A 5-mg tablet with brand pricing starting from $50 per tablet.
- Generic tadalafil: A 20-mg tablet starting at $2 per tablet and higher doses starting at $25 per tablet.
To obtain tadalafil from Lemonaid, a person fills in a private online assessment, giving details about their medical history and other medications. After this, a doctor or nurse makes contact within 1 day. Some states require a video chat, while others require a short phone call.
These consultations usually cost around $25, covering the prescription, not the medication. The company also needs a blood pressure reading, and a person can obtain this by finding a machine near them.
In addition, insurance does not cover the cost of medical consultation. However, it may cover the cost of the medication, so a person can contact their insurance provider for more information.
- possible insurance coverage for medications
- the medical team gets in touch with users within 24 hours
- discreet packaging and free shipping
Best subscription with free consultations: Hims
Hims sells both the brand-name and generic form of Cialis, and it offers a 5-mg dose that people can take once daily, with or without food.
Those who wish to use Hims’ services must complete a questionnaire about their medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms. The company can connect them with a qualified healthcare professional in the same state.
- Daily generic: Available as a 2.5- or 5-mg daily pill.
- Generic: Available in doses of 5 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg for when a person needs it.
- Branded Cialis: Available in doses of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg for when a person needs it.
The cost of the medication is $570 per month for Branded Cialis and $240 per month for generic tadalafil
Online consultations are free of charge.
Insurance does not cover product fees, but the prices are 50–80% less than the retail cost.
Hims offers advantages and disadvantages that a person may consider:
- free online consultations
- response within 24 hours
- different products available for men
- works with fully-licensed doctors
Best for discreet packaging: K Health
K Health offers medical care and prescription medications online like other telehealth providers. A person can use the website or app to book consultations with doctors and manage any resulting prescriptions.
K Health offers generic Cialis in doses of 5 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg, starting from $1.80 per 10-mg dose.
According to the company’s website, a person must complete an online assessment before matching with a doctor.
Patients do not need to use medical insurance. Instead, they can pay $35 per doctor’s appointment or $49 for unlimited consultations. However, this cost only covers the appointment and not the prescription.
The table below compares the above brands for buying Cialis online:
branded as needed: $65 per tablet
branded as needed: from $17
When considering which generic or branded Cialis, a person should first consult with a medical professional to determine the best version and dosage for them.
In addition, an individual may wish to research the company to ensure it conducts itself ethically and provides quality products equivalent to other verified generic or branded medications.
Cialis comes as a tablet that people can take either with or without food.
Individuals with erectile dysfunction and are sexually active should take this medication at least 30 minutes before engaging in sexual activity. They can also take it once daily if they do not wish to keep track of the timing of sexual activity. People should not take more than one tablet within 24 hours.
An on-demand dose is 10 or 20 mg, while a daily dose should be 2.5 or 5 mg.
People should always follow the doctor’s instructions, as they may increase or decrease the dose depending on how the person’s body responds to treatment.
In addition, those who have erectile dysfunction or BPH symptoms and choose to take Cialis once per day should take it around the same time daily. Daily dosing may suit people who have frequent sexual intercourse or prefer more spontaneity.
People who experience regular symptoms of erectile dysfunction should contact a doctor to discuss treatment options.
When taking Cialis, a person should consult a doctor or seek emergency medical treatment if they develop any of the following symptoms:
- blurry vision
- vision loss
- a sudden decrease or loss of hearing
- an erection that lasts for longer than 4 hours
- dizziness
- a rash or peeling skin
The following are some frequently asked questions about Cialis.
How to get Cialis or tadalafil online?
A person can purchase branded Cialis or generic tadalafil online from a reputable telehealth provider. This typically involves filling out an online assessment, after which a medical professional reaches out for a virtual consultation and provides the prescription. However, a person must purchase the medication from a reputable telehealth provider.
Is it safe to buy Cialis online?
The FDA warns that many pharmacies are operating online. A person should always check reviews and recognize the signs that help them determine whether an online pharmacy is reputable or not.
According to the FDA, online pharmacies are likely safe if they:
- require a doctor’s prescription
- have headquarters in the U.S. and provide a physical address and telephone number within the country
- have licensed pharmacists or physicians
- have a license with the state board of pharmacy
Can people buy Cialis over the counter?
Cialis is only available with a prescription. Some online pharmacies can provide prescriptions if the customer does not already have one.
Can people get Cialis without visiting a doctor?
A person does not need to consult a doctor to get Cialis treatment, as they can use telemedicine services to receive prescriptions. However, they may have to book an online consultation with a licensed healthcare professional if they use these services.
In addition, individuals should not give their prescribed medication to others.
Those with erectile dysfunction or BPH symptoms should seek medical advice, as the medication can cause side effects and interact with other medications. Additionally, the drug may not be safe for everyone.
Do you need a prescription for Cialis?
Cialis is only available with a prescription. There is no need to visit an in-person doctor’s clinic for this, as a person can use a telehealth company’s service if they wish to talk with a doctor online.
How do I make sure I get genuine Cialis?
People who do not feel comfortable discussing their sexual health problems with a physician face to face, can check whether a telehealth company offers the services and treatment that they may need.
Getting Cialis from an online provider can be safe. Make sure that the company meets the following criteria:
Various online pharmacies offer Cialis. A person may need an online consultation with a licensed doctor who may prescribe if the drug suits the individual.
An online pharmacy’s services may be safe if the company asks for a prescription and has a valid, U.S.-based address, phone number, and a suitable license with the state board of pharmacy.
Last medically reviewed on October 25, 2022
How we reviewed this article:
Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We avoid using tertiary references. We link primary sources — including studies, scientific references, and statistics — within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
- Considering an online pharmacy? (2020). - Dhaliwal, A., et al. (2022). PDE5 inhibitors. - Erectile dysfunction (ED). (n.d.). - How and when to take sildenafil. (2022). - Smith, B. P., et al. (2022). Sildenafil. - Symptoms & causes of erectile dysfunction. (2017). - Tadalafil. (2019). - Tadalafil. (2022).
Medically reviewed by Alan Carter, Pharm.D. — By Suzy Davenport and Kristina Iavarone — Updated on October 25, 2022
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© 2004-2022 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. All rights reserved. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. See additional information.