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Cialis (Tadalafil) Reviews

ED due to a stressful job. I’m 44 and wife is 38. She has a high sex drive which added to the stress as I could only satisfy her with oral sex but knew she wanted more. Taking 10mg Tadalafil for 2 months now and what a difference. Within 30 mins, if we are getting horny together, I manage to get a good firm erection every time without fail. My confidence has increased so much because my erection lasts the whole session until I ejaculate. It is maintained even when we change sexual positions a few times. Lasts up to 36 hours. Weekend sex is great for us again, we always like it on a Fri night but if I’ve taken a tablet on a Fri evening, it means I can spring to action when we first wake up on Sat and then later that afternoon or evening when she wants it again. Back to how we were a few years ago now, she’s loving getting her legs spread and the regular attention. Feels good knowing my bulge will respond when she starts playing with it. First few times got flushing in the face but don’t get it at all now.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

I’m on 20 mg a day for ED. After a week it was working great. Morning and spontaneous erections for the first time in years (I’m 59). After a few months it seemed to lose it’s potency and the positive effects died down. I’m wondering if you should take periodic breaks to maintain it’s effectiveness. No answers on the internet.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

This was worth the visit to see the urologist — even to have the dreaded prostate exam first! I told him I wanted a Rx for tadalafil — he asked no awkward questions; he said, “sure.” I’m not in a relationship. I wanted this just to feel happy and healthy. I’m 65 and have had ED issues since I was 40. I am truly amazed at this drug! Its developer needs to get a major award for the impact it has had on so many guys. I love being hard in the morning in bed. I love being semi hard in the shower. I love feeling my loins stirring sometimes during the day. I just love tadalafil! My insurance will not cover it. So without insurance, it’s over $900 for a 90 day supply. With Good Rx, it’s three cents a day. Three cents a day for the joy of having hard, healthy erections again. I am truly a very happy customer. I can’t imagine any reason to stop taking this 5 mg daily.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I am a 35 yr old man and have been having ED due to high work and life stress. After taking this the first day, I felt more hornier and easily erect at the slightest sexy thoughts. I felt more confident as it brings me back to my 18 year old. My dick was hard during masturbation and maintained throughout. Small side effects headache only. Manageable

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

“I’ve been using viagra for the last 15 month which has been good but the side effects was getting a bit much, so I got on to my docs about it and they said to try tadalafil 10mg which I’ve been on now for a week. Been taking every couple of days for the best effect and wow is it good. Get rock hard penis when ever I want and I can do more rounds with my wife lol. And she has commented about my flaccid penis been bigger too which I did notice myself. In fact even at the lads at swimming baths seem to have noticed too lol. Couple have commented thought I had a semi on which I didn’t but just a lot fuller with the tablets

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

This drug is unbelievable. Im 52 years old and started having ED problems about two years ago. Started taking about six months ago. Im in great shape andI feel like I am 19! This is a wonder drug. The only problem I have is getting it prescribed. Im prescribed 8 pills of 10MGs a month . I like to take 2 pills a week but my pharmacy keeps playing games with me only allowing me 4 pills a month. Would love to take it every day.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

Three years ago, at the age of 62, I was diagnosed with having prostate cancer. My treatment plan consisted of 18 months of hormone therapy, 25 sessions of external beam radiation therapy and LDR brachytherapy. Prior to my treatments, I had absolutely no problem with erectile dysfunction. After the completion of my treatments, I experienced a severe case of erectile dysfunction. My wife and I had been very sexually active for 40 years. We discussed this issue with my urologist and he recommended that I take 20 mg of Tadalafil. The first time I took a pill, we were both shocked on how well it worked. This pill worked perfect for me with no side effects. Note: Don’t take this pill expecting an immediate erection. You have to first be stimulated. Just a few minutes of foreplay works for me. Three years later, my wife and I are enjoying sex as we always did. Hopefully, this pill will be effective for other men. I would highly recommend that any man experiencing erectile dysfunction try this medication.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

53 Year old married guy here that started experiencing problems getting an erection when needed. Made the decision to start off with Tadalafil 5 mg as required. Can’t say enough how it changed our sex life for the better. I take the medication 30 min to an hour before sex and WOW….with the minimum stimulation I get as hard as a rock ! My wife commented on the thickness and solid stiffness which keeps my cock throbbing throughout – it even looks fuller when not erect. The effects lasts for a day and a half and I now often edge my hard cock for an hour or more, enjoy a massive orgasm with a substantial load, then wait an hour or two and my cock will be ready to get rock hard again to satisfy my wife. Slight hot flushes in the face and slight headache but nothing serious, will def continue and strongly advise this medication !

Rated for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Report

“I’m 54 and have experienced increasing ED problems over the past 2 years. In November I was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and also have BPH which is the cause of my ED. I’m not having any treatment beyond active surveillance and luckily have only mild symptoms (increase in frequency but that’s it. No night time disturbance, etc). Annual health screening detected the cancer / BPH. Started taking daily 5mg Tadalafil in November and the results are superb. No side effects, except when combined with alcohol I sometimes get a stuffy nose. Erections are very strong and sex is very pleasurable again. (Being circumcised it does seem to flare out the glans a bit more.) I’ve also seen a reduction in frequency of urination. Really pleased with the drug which working well for me.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

I am a 70 year old with a 40 year old wife. Although I could get an erection, it was certainly starting to not be as hard and tended not to stay hard for very long, leading to frustration for both of us. I was getting to the point that I was losing interest in sexual activity. I had used Viagra previously but found it to be inconvenient having to take it in advance of sexual activities. I discovered Tadalafil Daily (5mg) and after just a few days of taking it, I could produce an erection on demand provided there was sexual stimulation from my wife. I now get rock hard again, and can stay hard throughout the performance and sometimes beyond. My wife is very appreciative of this tiny pill I take daily as am I.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

From zero to hero; 5mg done wonders; my gf got inspired; had multiple times in one night.. I am 51 and my gf is just 30; she was commenting “Never had sex like that before” tried a lot of positions; rock solid

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

65 year old and decided to take tadalafil out of curiosity and overhearing gossip at the gym. Heard that some guys take it together with daily protein supplements which provide with more muscle ‘pump’. The effects it had on me – a harder and more frequent and spontaneous erection with comments from wife that my erection appeared thicker with the veins more pronounced – when not erect my penis had more ‘swagger’. Highly recommended

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

82 years old first-time user of any male enhancement pills. Partly out of safety consideration, and partly out of curiosity, I asked my doctor to prescribe me 5mg prescription. The effect is evident, turnning me from frigid to hot pursuer. The doctor also prescribed me 20mg sildennafil citrate, but it doesn’t have any effect on me.

Rated for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Report

48yo was prescribed and have been taking 5mg generic daily to help with BPH and nocturnia symptoms. Noticed a gradual decrease with the symptoms and were nearly gone after 2 weeks. Could not be happier with the results. No negative side effects experienced, but after a couple days started getting much longer lasting morning wood and spontaneous erections throughout the day.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

46yrs old-overseas deployments keep me in a brain funk-seariously hot wife-outstanding physique-perpetualy 18- no negative effects for me but the muscular pain is crippling- I still hurt-Abs hurt to touch all of them-I feel this will hurt my fitness routine and time on the hamster wheel-this is awful seriously unpleasant any advice? Thank you.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I took bluechew sildenafil for about a year, which worked fairly well for me. But after being introduced to tadalafil, I’ll never go back. I take 10mg daily with my usual vitamin pack. This stuff works! I now get erections when I’m driving the car and my wife moves my hand onto her inner thigh. It’s like I’m 18 again! I always had a problem losing an erection mid way through sex. Now I have confidence in knowing I’m going to stay hard and even perform multiple times when needed. The only side effect I’ve noticed is a bit of lightheadedness when taken with some medications. But nothing severe. I would absolutely recommend this medication to any and all ED sufferers.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

Someone below said the EXACT thing I’m finding. that I need 10mg daily for it to be effective, AND I need to do that at least 4 to 5 days before expecting to get hard on demand. Maybe 15mg is better I’m starting to experiment.

Rated for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Report

My doctor prescribed Tadalafil 5mg daily for treatment of BPH and that it would be a benefit it treatment of ED! WOW! I can easily get hard full girth erections! Ejaculation is delayed with an explosive orgasm with more cum than I have been able to produce in a long time! This truly is a “Wonder Drug”

Rated for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Report

I take Tadalafil for BPH but also the benefit of ED. Wow, what a great drug! Not only has it helped with the BPH but I can get an extremely hard and full girth erection easily! Better stamina, stronger ejaculation with increased volume of cum! I’m 71 and perform like I’m 30 again! .5 daily dose does it for me!

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I am on med because of an proctectomy surgery. 5mg daily 26 days now something is starting to happen, but feel like I have to pee when erection is achieved.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

Biggest thing I could share is i need 10 mg daily for it to be effective, and need to take regularly, if I’m off it might take 4 or 5 days before I come back on line

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

Erections are rock solid and last as long as I want them to. Next erection can return just as hard 10 minutes after ejaculation. Other benefit is the swagger of my penis when it’s flaccid. it is almost 2 inches longer, heavy, and thicker than ever before

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

Outstanding. I’m a 55 year old male that had a problem maintaining erections more than 15 minutes. I’m now taking 5mg of Cialis daily and it’s like I’m 18 again. Rock hard erections whenever I need them, easily last long enough to satisfy my lover multiple times and no side effects. And I swear I’m at least 1-1.5” longer. But the erections are like steel. Unbelievable! And multiple times a day when aroused.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

Doctor put me on the 20mg dosage 10+ years ago, can’t have intercourse without. Side effects, slight headache also erections throughout the next day. Wife insisted we take full advantage of erections the next day (get our moneys worth). To our surprise pill works better for us the next day!! At 62 years old having more sex then in my 30s.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I am a 72 year old, very happily married for 48 years to a beautiful woman, now 71 (5’4″, 125 lb.). About a year ago I began to experience ED which led to frustration in our love-making sessions for both of us. Finally, I decided to ask my MD for a script for Cialis and he gave me 20 mg. The result has been amazing for both of us! It is especially exciting that she initiates discussion and activity for sex, saying it is so relaxing now with no worries about trying to time things just right (if I can maintain an erection). I can do so now with no concerns and we both very much appreciate that. I do get a low-grade headache with each pill, but believe me it is well worth it. I would certainly recommend trying Cialis for anyone experiencing ED, please remember it is a medical condition lust like many other conditions that we experience, especially as we grow older. It may not work for everyone and side-effects could be an issue as with any drug. But if successful, both will be happy and satisfied. I usually take mine ate at night and know during the night that it has kicked in – my wife has told me she knows it has too and her excitement begins too

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

This stuff works!! I hate taking pills, but had to do something. Had a difficult time getting it up and keeping it going. I hear this happens at my age, 43. Went to the doctor and he prescribed cialis, 5mg a day. First time taking it had some side effects, flushing of the face, terrible headache for a day, and stuffy nose. Second dose only had the face flushing, third dose and on no side effects! From the first pill, sex has been awesome. Can get hard enough for wife to be on top, do any position anytime. Got my confidence back. This stuff is the real deal

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I’ve had intermittent erectile dysfunction problems for years now that have gotten worse with age I’m 44 now and first time it happened I was 33. I used to use a pill you could find in sex shops called C***star but they no longer make it, and more recently Rhino pills. Both were modestly successful. My doctor thought the problem was anxiety related so he put me on buspar but that didn’t help much at all. Finally after pleading with him he prescribed Viagra which solved the problem but presented another problem of it being very difficult to impossible to climax. Finally after a few months my Dr relented and had me try Cialis. It has been life changing. Just give it at least 2 hours to work. I tried sex after about 15 mins and had my same issues but otherwise it saved my marriage and made enjoy sex again. Sex had become a mostly disappointing chore and although sometimes I could pull it off I had more failures than success but now no problems. Only downside like I said is the wait time to work.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I’m on some psych meds that interfere with my erection and testosterone levels. My urologist put me on 5 MG of generic cialis daily. holy SH!T I have the ability to get and stay hard at anytime of the day or night. I got the confidence in the bedroom I used to have when I was half my age! I highly recommend this drug if you are struggling with ED.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

I tried Sildenafil and never was satisfied with it even taken the larges dose (100mgs) so I got my Dr. to give me a script for Tadalafil. I thinks it works better, but still do not get very hard, just firm like a hot dog and sometimes I lose even that. I take the 20 mgs dose and wait about 1 and 1/2 hours. Am I waiting to long or not long enough? When I am able to penetrate, things go well. I have not had night or morning wood, as soon as I come it loses all firmness. Would like to hear some input on this and any advice. Thanks John

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

Healthy male. Took 1x 5mg only once. Severe flushing. Body temperature extreme hot and then freezing. Raised my normal blood pressure. Been 48hrs since taking and slight improvement in side effects. Please consider side effects before taking.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

I’m 27 and just use this for performance enhancement I take the 2.5 daily dose and have been for 4 months now. I noticed a couple of things. First this makes your dick look bigger like your always semi erect. My erections are crazy on this solid as a rock. I also get alot of random boners maybe 4 or 6 per hour. Also when I work out I feel a much more intense pump. Also be prepared this makes you get random night boners while you sleep and in return you get wet dreams. I have woken up to cum soaked boxers and sheets multiple times now. Also some times you get boners at the worst times I was at the grocery store and out of nowhere rock hard stiffy. I had to hide behind my cart and think of any turn offs to make it soft again. Also be careful if you like to run or jog the friction will make you hard really fast. Overall I like this feels like I’m 18 again. I highly recommend cialis / tadalafil.

Rated for Sexual / Libido enhancement Report

Having reached a real “dip” in our sex life (im 57 wife 59 ) i picked up courage and went to pharmacist ( wife had noticed my lack of interest and erections) was recommended 5mg daily , results were Wow ,took in evening before bed and woke up in midle of night and had full erection ,went back to bed and woke early with another full erection and i mean full ,rock solid out the top of my pajama bottoms ! wife noticed as i tried to “deal “.with it. had we had great full penetration sex, orgasm and ejaculation were strong too .continued to take for a couple of nights then decided to only use a few days a week as i was getting strong erections every time i had a shower or just looking at wife’s legs !

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

Taking the 2.5g daily dosage – great and ‘impressive’ results after 2 days. Erection is now much harder for longer – also penis is now much thicker much to my wife’s enjoyment. When in a flaccid state penis also appears to be more ‘hung’. Expect to get hard during the night while asleep ( my wife’s observation) and to wake up erect. Highly recommended

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

Well, I’ve done the Viagra method, with limited results and thought I should try Cialis. I did a 3 day run with the medication. First night, 20 ml tabs, the next 2 I broke one in half, so 10 ml each of the following nights. I also took then early afternoon to get through any side effects which for me was a mild headache (Advil took care of that) and mild sinus congestion, but easily tolerated. The only way I can explain the result is “omfg, WOW”. When I was with my girl those 3 nights, it didn’t even need to be touched and I was rock hard. The erection outlasted me. Took a break, and it was still ready for more. Orgasms came when I wanted it to, which before I had a hard time reaching that point. I’ve had more sex in the last 3 days then in months combined. If you haven’t tried it, DO.

Rated for Erectile Dysfunction Report

An effective drug in my case. There were violations in the reproductive system, the soldier refused to stand still. For treatment, I chose between Viagra ( and Cialis (, but settled on the latter. Cialis seems to be an improved form of Viagra, in simple words. All treatment took me no more than 2 months. The price spent on cialis for these 2 months is about $ 120. Dosage 20 mg / day (consult your doctor).

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Cialis reviews

Cialis rated 4.49/5 in 468 reviews from verified Dr Fox customers.

Read 468 reviews

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Great product. One pill lasted almost 3 days 🙂

Definitely does the job for the weekend! 😉

The medication was fantastic. The communication was brilliant re: delivery.

Seem to be much better than the generic. But it might be in my head.

This is amazing, much better and more natural than taking a tablet an hour before.

Just perfect. They are well worth the money

Best ever absolute magic just the price can be cheaper

Use to be really good, but this is my 2nd order that just haven’t been as affective. Have they changed the product? Very disappointed

Slight head ache but very effective almost immediately

Fantastic!! Never to disappoint! Recommended to anyone and have it again!


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Tadalafil Reviews: How Customers Rate It

Also known as generic Cialis, or the weekend pill, tadalafil is a popular alternative to Cialis. Like sildenafil, the generic form of Viagra, tadalafil offers a more affordable option to treat ED.

When choosing an erectile dysfunction treatment, tadalafil reviews can help potential users to gain a firsthand insight into how existing users rate tadalafil.

To get the answers, it’s important to look at what real-world users have to say about the results. Studies show that tadalafil works, but by exploring tadalafil reviews, you can get a better idea of what to expect if you are considering tadalafil tablets for erectile dysfunction.

We’ve put together an overview of what the reviews say and how tadalafil stacks up against other treatment options for ED. We have included tadalafil reviews from Trustpilot, an independent, non-biased platform. All reviews, whether they are positive or negative, are published.

What is tadalafil?

Tadalafil is an ED tablet used to treat impotence. It belongs to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. They work by blocking the action of the enzyme PDE-5, which breaks down another substance – cGMP.

cGMP helps to relax smooth muscles by encouraging blood vessels to widen and increasing blood circulation. You need enough of this substance within the smooth muscles of the penis to get an erection. By blocking PDE-5, tadalafil ensures there’s enough cGMP present to encourage blood to flow to your penis when you are sexually aroused. As a result, you are able to achieve and maintain and erection.

How long does tadalafil last?

Tadalafil tablets can work for up to 36 hours. This means you can take one dose, and the results will last for the next day or two. This is why tadalafil and Cialis are sometimes known as “the weekend pill.”

To get these long-lasting results, your doctor or pharmacist will recommend the appropriate tadalafil dose – 10mg or 20mg.

You can also use a 2.5mg or 5mg tablet, also known as ‘tadalafil daily’. A tablet is taken once a day, and has a continuous effect, so there is no need to schedule doses. These smaller daily doses are intended to help you get an erection, without needing to worry about taking a tablet.

What Are the Reviews of Cialis?

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Cialis is a well-known and popular treatment for erectile dysfunction. Although it’s popular, there’s more to look at with reviews of Cialis to decide if it’s a good choice.

There are things to consider like how effective it is, how long it works for, what the side effects might be, whether there are daily or generic options, and so on. Make sure you’ve covered all the key points before you pick Cialis as your treatment.

What do reviews of Cialis show?

Cialis has been shown to improve erections in up to 81% of men who try it.

Review of side effects of Cialis – major side effects can occur in less than 1% of men. The risk of experiencing them increases with higher dosages. Side effects are usually mild to moderate and disappear within a few days or weeks after you start treatment. Common side effects are:

  • Headache – the majority of headaches that men may experience with once-a-day dosing are usually within the first 10 to 30 days of treatment
  • Indigestion
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Flushing
  • Nasal congestion

Clinical reviews – Cialis has been proven to be safe in many large clinical trials and has been licensed in the UK for 15 years.

What are the pros and cons?

As with all medicines there are both advantages and disadvantages to taking them. There are a number of pros in taking Cialis, but you should consider both the pros and cons before deciding.

  • It is a safe and established treatment for ED
  • Is available in four different dosages (2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg or 20mg)
  • It works fast, often within 20 to 30 minutes
  • You can take it daily or when needed for ED
  • It is the longest acting PDE-5 inhibitor with effects lasting between 17 – 36 hours.
  • Food does not affect the activity of Cialis
  • Cialis has a comparable effectiveness to Viagra, which is the most established treatment of ED. is available on prescription as a cheaper generic alternative to Cialis
  • It’s only available on prescription, whereas a 50mg dosage of Viagra has recently been made available over the counter – called Viagra Connect
  • Because it lasts longer, it may have the potential to cause more side effects and drug interactions
  • It may have a higher incidence of side effects such as muscle or back pain, but the incidence of other side effects may be lower
  • As with other PDE-5 inhibitors, too much alcohol may cause dizziness and low blood pressure

How does Cialis compare against other treatments?

Other PDE-5 inhibitors – all PDE-5 inhibitors work in the same way but there are small differences between them in how long their effect lasts, their effectiveness and side effects. These differences can help you decide if Cialis is suitable for you and your lifestyle:

  • Duration – one of the biggest advantages of Cialis is that it has the longest duration of action in comparison to the other PDE-5 inhibitors. This allows for you to be more spontaneous in having sex as you have a larger window of opportunity in which to attempt it. Cialis is sometimes called the ‘weekend pill’ because of its long duration of action
  • Effectiveness – Viagra and Cialis have a similar reported effectiveness. Viagra has a slightly higher reported effectiveness of up to 84%, but this is still comparable to Cialis. Levitra is reported to be up to 65% and avanafil is up to 59%. Viagra and Levitra last for 4 to 5 hours and avanafil for 17 to 36 hours
  • Daily option – Cialis can be prescribed once daily or when needed before sex, whereas the other PDE-5 inhibitors are licensed for when needed. Dosages for once daily use are either 2.5mg or 5mg and are usually prescribed if you plan to have sex more than twice a week
  • Effect of food – the activity of Cialis is not affected by food, whereas the activity of the other PDE-5 inhibitors is affected, especially after high fat meals
  • Time to take effect – Cialis and Spedra tend to start working more quickly than Viagra or Levitra, which means that you do not have to plan sex as long in advance

Other medications – other medicines that work in a different way to PDE-5 inhibitors to treat ED are:

  • Alprostadil – available as a cream or injection. Alprostadil is prescribed as a second-line treatment for ED and can also be used to diagnose it. Its effectiveness is between 70 to 80%. Alprostadil is not intended to be used with other medications for ED, although there have been some clinical studies of using it as a combination therapy
  • Aviptadil with Phentolamine mesilate – available as an injection. Aviptadil with phentolamine mesilate is usually prescribed as a third-line treatment in men who have not responded to PDE-5 inhibitors or alprostadil. Response rates range between 66% to 75%. It only works for up to an hour, which is much shorter in comparison to Cialis

Lifestyle changes – ED usually responds well to a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. If applicable, it is important for you to lose weight, to quit smoking, avoid excess alcohol and to exercise regularly. Realistically, lifestyle changes happen over a longer period of time. They help manage ED and other conditions that can contribute to ED such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Medicines such as Cialis are taken to dramatically improve symptoms in the short term and should be used alongside lifestyle changes for the best effect.

Counselling – emotional problems can also cause ED and can be treated successfully with counselling, sex therapy or CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). There is usually a long wait for these services on the NHS but you can pay privately to see a therapist. Cialis is available on the NHS and privately. Response to counselling is over a longer period of time in comparison to taking medicines. Although, medicines such as Cialis can offer short term treatment, it is important to address any underlying emotional causes.

Devices – vacuum pumps (penis pumps) work by encouraging blood flow to the penis. Studies indicate that they are between 50 – 80% effective. The pump works for around 30 minutes so it has a much shorter duration of action in comparison to Cialis. They are not readily available on the NHS but do still speak to your doctor if you think a pump might be right for you. Some pumps can be available without a prescription, unlike Cialis. There is less risk of side effects in comparison to Cialis and it may be a suitable option if you are unable to take Cialis or prefer a non-drug treatment.

Natural/herbal alternatives – natural or herbal medicines may interact with other medicines prescribed for you. You should always check with your doctor or pharmacist if it is safe for you to take, especially if you have another medical condition. You should always use registered and licensed herbal medicines, which are identified by the Traditional Herbal Registration scheme (THS) logo or the product licence (PL) number. No herbal alternatives to Cialis have been proven to work and none of them are licensed to treat ED. Natural remedies include:

Cialis Reviews

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects countless men across the UK for a variety of reasons, both mental and physical. Thankfully, there are lots of effective ED treatments available to help you maintain an erection so you can enjoy a healthy sex life.

One such ED treatment is Cialis, an ED medication that increases the blood flow to the penis to help sustain your erection before and during sex.

Here, we have collated all our customer reviews for Cialis. Using Trustpilot, the review feed is updated in real-time so you can find the latest unbiased Cialis reviews from real customers.

On this page, you will find what genuine Cialis users think about the ED medication, how effective it is, and more. With this information, you can make an informed decision about whether Cialis is the best erectile dysfunction medication for you.

Cialis reviews

Read our Cialis product reviews that have been independently collected by our review partner,

Our Cialis review summary: how does it measure up?

Here are a few of the key takeaways from positive reviews of Cialis:

  • It’s great for long weekends away with your partner
  • It should be taken at least 30-60 minutes before sex
  • It’s can be more cost-effective than branded Viagra

Cialis reviewed: what else do you need to know?

Having read our customer reviews of Cialis, you might be interested in buying Cialis to treat your own erectile dysfunction. Before you do, it’s worth conducting some further research to determine whether Cialis is the right ED medication for you.

To help you learn more about Cialis, The Independent Pharmacy has created a number of useful guides to Cialis:

  • Want to know what exactly Cialis is first? Learn more about what Cialis is here.
  • Curious about dosages? Find out more about Cialis dosages here.
  • Concerned about side effects? Learn all of the Cialis side effects here.
  • What’s the difference between Cialis and other treatments? Read our Cialis vs Viagra page here.
  • Need some more advice on erectile dysfunction in general? Read our erectile dysfunction advice guides here.

If you’ve done your research and you’re confident that Cialis is the right ED treatment for you, you’re ready to order. You can buy Cialis from The Independent Pharmacy. Simply complete a free consultation with one of our qualified prescribers and we’ll check that it’s safe for you to use. Once approved, we’ll deliver your Cialis in plain packaging as quickly as the next working day.