Cialis For Bodybuilding

Cialis for Bodybuilding

If you’re using Cialis for bodybuilding and not to treat erectile dysfunction, you have to be aware that the drug can cause an erection in the most unlikely circumstances.

Cialis for Bodybuilding: Are There Any Benefits?

For many years, Tadalafil (Cialis) has been proven to treat men with erectile dysfunction (1). The phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor works by increasing the blood flow into the penis, causing an erection.

But Cialis is also now becoming popular for bodybuilders due to the belief that it can help improve gains, pumps, and overall bodybuilding results.

Is Cialis for Bodybuilding Really Effective?

Cialis in Bodybuilding Is a Great Pre-Workout Supplement.

While Cialis is prescribed mainly for erectile dysfunction, it’s now also being recommended as a pre-workout supplement primarily because of its main ingredient, Tadalafil.

This PDE-5 inhibitor is designed to increase blood flow not only to the penis but also to other parts of the body (2), making it the perfect supplement if you want to increase your energy and stamina for those hours of pumping in the gym.

Cialis Helps Control Blood Pressure.

Cialis for bodybuilding is more than just about blood flow. Studies have also shown that Tadalafil is effective in helping reduce blood pressure (3), which is very important for hypertensive individuals on a medication cycle who are also working out.

When they are about to finish their medication, they usually experience sudden peaks in their blood pressure, which can be quite dangerous because it leads to stroke, disabilities, and even fatal heart attacks. A lot of weight lifters also have naturally high blood pressures that can be a cause of worry for them.

Cialis Has Longer Effects Than Other Pde-5 Inhibitors.

One of the biggest advantages of using Cialis for bodybuilding over Sildenafil and other PDE-5 inhibitors is that its effects last a lot longer. Unlike Viagra, which only has a half-life of 4 to 5 hours, Cialis’ effects can last for up to 17.5 hours.

Cialis Offers Greater Gains in the Gym.

Aside from increasing blood flow for better stamina, the effect of Tadalafil also helps increase nutrient, blood, and water flow to the muscles. If you’re working out, this means that every pump will give you greater gains than when you’re not taking Cialis for bodybuilding.

Cialis Promotes Better Testosterone Estrogen Ratio.

Cialis for bodybuilding is effective in improving the testosterone and estrogen ratio by up to 30%. This is especially beneficial for men who are on testosterone replacement therapy and those who are working out. Some men who use Cialis also reported having a better mood while using the drug as a pre-workout supplement.

Cialis May Have Some Side Effects.

If you’re using Cialis for bodybuilding and not to treat erectile dysfunction, you have to be aware that the drug can cause an erection in the most unlikely circumstances.

This is why it’s imperative to take Cialis only when you’re working out, or if you want to take it daily, you have to do it at the same time to avoid getting an erection while at work or when you’re working out at the gym.

Some men who are using Cialis for bodybuilding have also reported experiencing mild side effects like headaches, dizziness, and flushing of the skin. It’s also essential to be careful with taking Cialis if you’re on anti-hypertensive medication since taking both can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, which can be very dangerous (4).

What Is the Right Tadalafil Dosage for Bodybuilding?

Tadalafil (Cialis) is one of the most popular phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors for treating erectile dysfunction, especially because of its longer half-life, lasting 17.5 hours. Some studies have also suggested that Tadalafil may still have some significant effects for as long as 24 hours after intake (1).

But more than treating erectile dysfunction, Tadalafil is now gaining popularity among bodybuilders because it increases blood, nutrients, and water flow throughout the body. This increases stamina and energy for better pumps at the gym, and it also allows for more significant gains. But what exactly is the right Tadalafil dosage for bodybuilding?

The recommended starting dose for Tadalafil is 5mg for bodybuilding. But if you’re going to take it daily, you can reduce the dose to 2.5mg to avoid those embarrassing and untimely erections in the middle of the day.

Some bodybuilders also take 20mg Tadalafil tablets two hours before they head to the gym to give the drug time to take its full effect and for them to maximize the benefits. But you have to remember that 20mg is already a maximum dosage, so you should never take more than this amount within 24 hours.

Finally, it’s essential to remember that taking Tadalafil has its side effects. This is why you need to start at a lower dose and gradually titrate your dosage to see how your body reacts to the medication.

The Bottom Line

The benefits of Cialis for bodybuilding have been proven by both studies and reviews from bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. But since not all drugs have the same effects on everyone, it’s crucial to test the waters first by taking Cialis at a lower dose to see if it works for you or not.

It’s also best to consult your doctor before taking the drug as a pre-workout supplement, especially if you are taking medications for pre-existing conditions like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This will help avoid any dangerous complications that might put you in danger. Most importantly, listen to your body and stop taking the drug whenever you notice any side effects.

Cialis for Bodybuilding?

Many gym trainers tout the “bodybuilding” effects of Cialis on the body.

Let’s find out the degree of truth in this claim!

What Is Cialis?

Cialis is a brand name for Tadalafil, a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor used to treat male sexual disorders like Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

It inhibits the enzyme PDE-5 in corpora cavernosa of the penis, increases Nitric Oxide levels, and causes vasodilation, promoting blood flow and penile erection (1).

However, the vasodilatory effects of Cialis are not restricted to the penis but also evident in the rest of the body, producing effects like “bodybuilding.”

Cialis Promotes Blood Flow to Muscles

As already discussed, Cialis causes vasodilation and promotes blood flow throughout the body. Adequate blood flow ensures proper delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients and removes toxins, enabling cell volumization and muscle power (2).

Cialis Reduces Inflammation

Bodybuilding puts the whole body under stress by causing muscle cell damage. Studies prove that Cialis reduces the levels of proinflammatory cytokines like Interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-17and autoreactive T-lymphocytes, reducing inflammation (3).

Cialis Increases Testosterone Levels

Tadalafil in Cialis increases testosterone levels with a consequent 30% rise in testosterone: estrogen ratio. Testosterone increases muscle mass through muscle protein synthesis, an essential of bodybuilding (4). This effect is beneficial for males taking anabolic steroids for bodybuilding or are on testosterone replacement therapy.

Role of Cialis In Bodybuilding

Although less potent than steroids and human growth factors used for bodybuilding, Cialis is an effective and legal performance-enhancing sports drug. It is cheaper, cost-effective, and has fewer side effects as compared to other medications.

Competitive sports trainers have been using high doses of products to enhance performance because higher doses produce quick and visible results. For example, a ten times higher dose of testosterone is used by bodybuilders to improve performance and built.

Although there is not enough scientific research to support this fact, high doses of Cialis might also have bodybuilding effects. Tadalafil, the active component in Cialis, boosts energy during exercise, increases Nitric Oxide level, induces vasodilation, increases blood flow to skeletal muscles, and speeds up recovery (5).

Therefore, due to its vasodilatory effects through increased NO levels, some trainers recommend taking Cialis as a pre-workout supplement to enhance exercise tolerance with the added benefit of a long, 36-hour, effective period (6). Cialis increases exercise tolerance in athletes by increasing their aerobic capacity and reducing lactic acid levels.

Furthermore, according to research in 2016, prolonged use of Cialis modulates aromatase enzyme activity, increasing testosterone levels, and reducing the drug’s side effects. It can also help prevent gynecomastia that results from prolonged use of steroids for bodybuilding.

Another research says that Cialis dilates pulmonary blood vessels during training, increasing the blood flow and gaseous exchange. Therefore, during an intense workout, Cialis helps maintain an adequate supply of oxygen to other organs, especially muscles, helping with gaining mass (7).

Is it legal to use Cialis for bodybuilding?

Unlike other anabolic steroids, Cialis’ use is legal for bodybuilding as it is not in the WADA banned substance list.

Cialis is a PE-5 inhibitor used for the effective treatment of ED, Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, and Pulmonary Hypertension with supplementary benefits of bodybuilding through increased muscular blood flow.

With Cialis’s use as a pre-workout regimen, bodybuilders can train harder and longer with quick results.

How to Take Cialis For Bodybuilding?

Cialis is usually available in doses from 5mg- 20mg and sometimes even in larger doses. Although there is not enough evidence to support Tadalafil’s dosage effective for bodybuilding, many studies hint at its right amount.

A study was conducted to study the effect of Cialis on the muscle mass of patients with ED. The participants received 5mg daily maintenance dose of Cialis and 20 mg loading dose before sexual activity. Results showed a decrease in waist circumference after a two-month treatment (8).

Therefore, Cialis helped in improving lean muscle mass in the subjects. Lean muscle mass is the muscle mass that accounts for one’s weight without any fat (9).

Cialis Side-Effects

When taken for bodybuilding, Cialis produces side effects similar to when taken for ED. Otherwise, the drug is very safe to use. Common side effects of Cialis include:


Cialis is a prescription medication that is very safe to use. Its benefits in bodybuilding are not well-documented, but many trainers worldwide speak for its usefulness. Therefore, there is a need for more research on this subject!

Cialis as a Pre-Workout: When You Need Help Getting it Up

Bodybuilders and supplement suppliers are always searching for new ways to improve pumps, gains, and overall bodybuilding experiences. New products stock shelves in wondrous numbers, and we certainly contribute to that trend with some of the best products you can use to supplement your routine. Sometimes, though, it just isn’t enough; we plateau. A pretty trendy method to surpass some of our plateaus, however, is quite the strange one, indeed: Take Cialis as a pre-workout supplement. That’s right; the drug used to help older men take the wife out for a nice evening can also allegedly provide you with some of the best pumps of your life.

While the primary focus of Cialis is to treat erectile dysfunction, the reasoning behind its alleged effectiveness in the gym is pretty simple: Tadalafil. Cialis’ main ingredient, Tadalafil, is designed to increase blood flow (by increasing the blood flow to the penis, Cialis can help fight against erectile dysfunction). When used as a pre-workout, the increased blood flow allows the user to effectively have more energy and certainly more stamina to get in those good, extra pumps. How, though, does Cialis increase blood flow? Tadalafil is capable of relaxing blood vessels, opening them up to an increased flow.

There are, however, additional benefits to using Cialis as a pre-workout. Particularly, for those of us on cycle – especially near the end of said cycle – blood pressure can peak at some fairly unhealthy levels (and lifters with naturally high blood pressure often worry about their levels, too). First, high blood pressure, often referred to as the silent killer, can, as its dark nickname suggests, cause death if left unattended. Over time, high blood pressure erodes your body, and it can leave you with various disabilities or result in a fatal heart attack or severe stroke. My family, for example, deals with chronic high blood pressure; my father has taken medication to keep his at a reasonable level since his 20’s, and I’m sure I’m not long for the medication myself. In any event, Cialis doubles as a blood pressure reducer, and when weaning yourself off of a cycle, that could be pretty important.

Now, while the aforementioned benefits of taking Cialis as a pre-workout supplement are pretty great in and of themselves, there is more to the whole increased blood flow piece. The greater the blood flow typically increases the water, blood, and nutrient flow to the muscles. In other words, each pump, in theory, could actually provide greater gains than your usual routine. Multiple lifters who have used Cialis as a pre-workout supplement have suggested that the drug results in some of the best pumps they’ve ever experienced. I have not tried Cialis as a pre-workout myself, so I cannot personally confirm these claims; there are, however, multiple reports and articles on the subject. If all of this sounds great, then one of the biggest benefits of taking Cialis as a pre-workout supplement is that it lasts in the body’s system for up to 36 hours. That great pump you had in the gym and the rewarding feeling afterward could legitimately last for a day and a half.

All of this sounds great, of course, but there are some side effects to be aware of for those who may want to try Cialis as a pre-workout supplement. Obviously, as a drug designed to treat erectile dysfunction, you could find yourself in an embarrassing scenario or two under the proper circumstances. Outside of the menial, Cialis has been reported by multiple users to cause mild to severe headaches, and it’s been suggested that, as a pre-workout supplement, you only use about 3-5 mg of the stuff. Additionally, Cialis can cause flushing of the skin. Worse yet, the lowering of blood pressure can actually be pretty scary should your levels drop to unhealthy levels. Dizziness and lightheadedness can result, particularly when combined with other pre-workout supplements. A combination of the two can dramatically lower your NO, which can leave you in a pretty weightless, dizzy state – or worse.

From my research, the general consensus is that Cialis is a pretty effective pre-workout supplement. Tadalafil is capable of relaxing blood vessels and increasing blood flow in effect, which can enhance your overall energy and give you some pretty good pumps. The enhanced flow of blood, water, and nutrients to the muscles means your pumps and gains should be otherworldly. While Cialis’ ability to decrease blood pressure can be beneficial to lifters who typically have high blood pressure or experience such at the end of a cycle, if used with other pre-workout supplements, your body can experience unnaturally low NO levels, resulting in dizziness, lightheartedness, or worse. At the least, daily use of Cialis as a pre-workout supplement will most likely result in constant headaches, flushing, and an overall poor disposition. If you need an occasional boost for a tough workout or a pick me up at the end of a cycle, using Cialis on occasion could provide you with desirable results – and for up to 36 hours.

As in every situation, and perhaps especially for this one, consult your doctor before committing to use. If you have used Cialis, let us know your results and how you felt during and after your workouts.

The Big Benefits of Cialis for Bodybuilding

When a lot of guys think of a drug like Cialis, the first thing that comes to mind is trouble getting an erection.

They probably think it’s some pill that is made for old men or guys with erectile dysfunction.

This is probably a thought that would come to mind even quicker if they saw it advertised in a fitness magazine.

I can see where it’d be easy to think “yea they advertise Cialis here because all of these guys who use steroids can’t get their dick hard anymore”.

Cialis (Tadalifil) has HUGE, HUGE benefits for the aging male, and especially the aging male who is into hormone replacement and bodybuilding!

For starters, Cialis works by increasing blood flow throughout the body. This IS NOT just in the penis and strictly a sexual deal here.

Cialis improves blood flow everywhere!

This makes it heart healthy and the best analogy I could give would be like replacing your air filter every time it gets dirty. This improved blood flow effects many tissues, including the brain.

With improved blood flow comes better pumps in the gym as well. Cialis is a highly underrated addition to any bodybuilding regimen when it comes to nutrient transport and cell volumization!

Cialis reduces inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is something that bodybuilders constantly deal with due to muscle cell damage and stress.

It has been proven through studies that our measure of inflammation (C-reactive protein measure) drastically improves when taking Cialis, and this is most largely due to Cialis preventing plaque buildup in our arteries. This process reduces risks of cardiovascular disease in a major way!

Cialis improves testosterone:estrogen ratio.

Cialis improves the testosterone:estrogen ratio by up to 30%. That improvement is definitely beneficial to the aging male and certainly beneficial to those on testosterone replacement therapy.

As some of you may know, long term testosterone administration can cause increases in estrogen balance as well, which is why those using test for replacement usually go on Arimadex too. You may find that you can get by on less Arimadex when you’re using Cialis. Along with the improved balance of test:estrogen comes an increased testosterone level as well!

What else does Cialis do?

Well, let’s get into improved blood pressure next. Taking Cialis fights hypertension and can definitely benefit someone with high blood pressure or someone who has normal blood pressure but wants to make it even better. This is yet another huge benefit of using Cialis while on testosterone or any other steroid that can cause BP elevation.

A big fear of prescribing testosterone to patients is increased risk of prostate enlargement. Cialis reduces these risks by relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate upon regular administration. This is primarily how it works as a sexual drug as well.

Another benefit of Cialis (and definitely a benefit I experience) – it almost acts like an anti-depressant.

I just feel better when I’m on it and before I read about this benefit I was questioning it myself, because it seemed like I was always in a better mood when I was using Cialis.

So as you see, Cialis is so much more than just a sexual performance drug! When I got on it daily the first thing I thought was “holy shit, why aren’t more bodybuilders talking about Cialis in their cycles?”

I mean, it’s a relatively inexpensive addition to any cycle and it’s too cheap not to use it alongside hormone replacement!

What dosage do I take if using Cialis daily for long term health benefits?

A dosage of 5 – 7.5 mg/day is all you need!

This is enough to get all of the benefits I’ve mentioned, and it’s enough to get harder and better quality erections too. From my experience on it, orgasms feel stronger too.

I’m sharing this information because I had no idea of all of the benefits of Cialis until my Doctor told me about it and I looked more into it. I always thought it was just some sex type thing myself.

But now that I know the real deal and how great this is long term, I’m proud to be a Cialis user!

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: John Doe Bodybuilding, makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information provided. This article is provided for information, entertainment and convenience only – it does not constitute endorsements of any situations or medical tactics or advice. All information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician. The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only. In no way should it be considered as offering medical advice. Please check with a doctor and/or licensed medical physician. NO LIABILITY WILL BE ASSUMED FOR THE USE OF THIS ARTICLE AND/OR ADDITIONAL POSTINGS HEREIN.